Date: Sun, 6 Apr 1997 16:15:51 -0500 (CDT) From: Jim Fagelson Subject: GLPCI Upcoming Events 1997 GLPCI CONFERENCE IN PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA When our children recite the Pledge of Allegiance, will the phrase, "...WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL" ring true for our families? The 18th Annual GLPCI & COLAGE conference will be held on July 24-27, 1997, at the Warwick Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Warwick is located within walking distance of many of Philadelphia's most exciting historic attractions. Joins us as we: - Experience the fellowship of families from around the country and around the world that share our concerns, our hopes, and our dreams; - Learn better how to effect change in our nation, our states, our communities, and our schools; - Discuss new legislation and political initiatives, and gain better understanding of their impact on our families; - Share with our children the history of this country, and a system of government designed to balance the needs of a nation with the rights of the individual; - Give our children a chance to share and learn with their peers; and - Celebrate together the love that makes a family! Workshops! Throughout the GLPCI conference, there will be many educational and engaging workshops to choose from, such as: - Lobbying Skills .... How can you make a difference ? - Marriage, Hawaii, and the Constitution .... What does it all really mean? - Our Families and the Schools.... Creating a safe place for our kids' education - Multi-Cultural Families...More than just a Gay or Lesbian Family - Love, Marriage, and Divorce ... Are you prepared if your relationship ends? - Rap Groups ... With other parents who have@ kids your age -- And Many More! Guest Speakers! GLPCI is currently talking to a number of important figures in the world of Gay and Lesbian Parenting and legal rights to create an exciting roster of guest speakers. Already we have confirmed April Martin, Ph.D. and author of The Gay and Lesbian Parenting Handbook, one of the most widely read books on the subject and Elizabeth Birch, Executive Director of the Human Rights Campaign, the largest L/G/B/T rights organization in the United States. COLAGE Activities! Children of Lesbian and Gays Everywhere will have a surprise off-site activity on the 25th and workshops on the 26th and 27th for its members, ages 13 and up-- such as How & What to Tell Your Friends; Mom or Dad is Gay: What Does That Make Me?; and Networking in Your Neighborhood. Children, ages 6 to 12, will enjoy our Children's Conference, and day care will be provided for younger children. Family Activities! Besides the workshops, speakers, and COLAGE activities, there will be opportunities for families to tour important historical sights... and see first hand this "Birthplace of Democracy." It is a terrific opportunity for families to experience together the power of our heritage, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, and to celebrate the fact that all men and women are not only created equal, but are also empowered to fight and secure all of the "Blessings of Liberty" for ourselves and our families! The Costs! This conference is one of our most affordable ever -- the fees below include hotel accommodations, seven (7) meals, and conference registration! Adults (includes Hotel room) $375 Cost for children staying in parent's room: Children under 6 $100 Children, ages 6-18 $200 COLAGE Members (ages 18+ staying in their own rooms): $375* *Discount as low as $175 available by sharing rooms. For more information, contact COLAGE at 415-861-KIDS. Local Rate - 2 Day (include conf. fee and lunch, but no hotel): $175 Local Rate - 1 Day (include conf. fee and lunch, but no hotel) : $120 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLPCI 1997 REGISTRATION _______________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Street address _______________________________________________________ City State/Province _______________________________________________________ Phone Number Chapter Affiliation Names of Attendees Type Amount ____________________________ ______________ $ _____________ ____________________________ ______________ $ _____________ ____________________________ ______________ $ ______________ ____________________________ ______________ $ _____________ Daily Luncheon and Workshops ______________ $ _____________ Total Registration Costs $ _____________ Payment $ _____________ (Minimum deposit of $50.00 per person is not refundable) Make checks payable to GLPCI 1997 VISA ____ MC _____ Money Order ___________ ______________________________________________________________ Card Number Expiration Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature Is this your first conference? Yes ____ No ___ If no, how many previous Conferences have you attended? _____ Please mail the completed form to: GLPCI Conference 97 P.O. Box 43206 Montclair, NJ 07043 or call 201-783-6204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- April 3,1997 Contact: Tim Fisher, (201) 783-6204 Scholarship for Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents For the fourth year, the Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International (GLPCI) and Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE) will be awarding scholarship money to further the education of deserving children of lesbian or gay parents. In l997, the total scholarship pool will total at least $1,000. Formerly known as the GLPCI-COLAGE Scholarship Fund, the Fund was renamed last year as the "Lee Dubin Memorial Scholarship Fund" in loving memory of a longtime member and former Treasurer of GLPCI, who died suddenly in 1995. "We hope this scholarship program will continue to grow over time," says GLPCI's Executive Director Tim Fisher. "And of course, your contributions to the fund are always welcome." All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Applicants must have at least one lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender parent and be enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited post- secondary institution. The scholarship recipients will be announced on July 24th, 1997 at GLPCI's 18th Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Applications for the 1997 Lee Dubin Memorial Scholarship are available now by writing to GLPCI at P.O. Box 50360, Washington, DC 20091; or fax (201) 783-6204. The deadline for applications is May 15, 1997. For more information on the Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International, write to: GLPCI, P.O. Box 50360, Washington, DC 20091; or call (202) 583-8029 or fax (201) 783-6204, e-mail []. The GLPCI program called COLAGE -- Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere -- can be contacted by writing: COLAGE, 2300 Market Street, Box 165, San Francisco, CA 94114; or call (415) 861-KIDS, e-mail []. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- April 3,1997 Contact: Tim Fisher, (201) 783-6204 Gay and Lesbian Family Week in Provincetown, Mass. August 2-9, 1997 The Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International (GLPCI) -- a worldwide. advocacy and support organization for lesbian moms, gay dads, their children, and prospective parents -- has again declared the first week in August to be "Gay and Lesbian Family Week." The annual event will begin on Saturday, August 2nd and run until Saturday, August 9th, 1997. "Lesbian and Gay parents from all over the country are always on the lookout for gay-friendly -- and kid-friendly -- spots to vacation," says Tim Fisher, GLPCI's Executive Director and the father of two kids, ages 3 and 5. "Provincetown fits that description to a tee." "Our 'Family Week' is about meeting people, building sandcastles at the beach, sharing a babysitter, and going whale watching, bike riding or out to eat with newfound friends," continues Fisher. "Part of GLPCI's Mission is to sponsor Family Get-togethers to share, learn and celebrate that Love makes a Family!" There is no fee charged by GLPCI for Family Week. GLPCI will host a beach barbecue and provide an information sheet at the Provincetown Chamber of Commerce Building in August suggesting daily activities that families can enjoy together. Families should secure their own accommodations. One source to call is Provincetown Reservations at 1-800-648-0364. But do it soon! -- August is the peak season and available lodgings will disappear fast. "Last year, over 200 families enjoyed a wonderful week in P-town," reports Fisher. "Based on all the positive feedback that we received, this year's attendance could well double." GLPCI is also considering sponsoring similar vacation events in other parts of the country. Anyone with ideas for additional Family Get-togethers is encouraged to contact GLPCI. For more information on the Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International or to advertise in the GLPCI Family Week Program literature, write to: GLPCI, P.O. Box 50360, Washington, DC 20091; or call (202) 583-8029 or fax (201) 783-6204, email []. The GLPCI program called COLAGE -- Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywherr -- can be contacted by writing: COLAGE, 2300 Market Street, Box 165, San Francisco, CA 94114; or calt (415) 861-KIDS, email []. -- END -- --=====================_860367342==_--