Date: Wed, 25 Dec 1996 02:40:13 -0800 From: Jim Fagelson Subject: A Joyous Holiday Season On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and thousands of families worldwide that comprise the Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International, we extend our wish for a holiday season filled with the laughter of children, the love of family, and the knowledge that the world is acknowledging the love of same-sex couples. Even in the midst of custody fights, AIDS, the terrible two's as well as the "awkward years", we all have much for which to be thankful. GLPCI knows that our quest for equal rights as lesbians and gay men will give all of us reasons to be thankful in 1997 and the years to come. Mark Your Calendars! Special event in 1997: And Justice For All - a gathering and conference of lesbian and gay parents, their partners and children, and our supports. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA July 24 - 27, 1997 Warwick Hotel Family Week at Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA August 3 - 9, 1997