Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 13:55:12 -0700 From: (by way of Jim Fagelson ) Subject: AWARDS GLPCI Celebrates Family Activists FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- May 20, 1996 Each year at our Annual Family Conference, the Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International (GLPCI) presents awards recognizing outstanding efforts on behalf of our families. This year, the GLPCI Board of Directors is proud to announce the following awards and recipients -- to be awarded on July 6th at our 17th Annual Conference banquet in Minneapolis, Minnesota: Image in Media Award -- Since 1977, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) in San Francisco, California has been a tireless and tremendously successful advocate for our civil rights. As a lesbian/feminist, multi-cultural resource center, NCLR has worked through the courts, the legal system, and in the community to eradicate discrimination against lesbians and their families. Relying on community support so they don't charge attorneys fees for their clients, they have challenged old law and made new law in fighting for our constitutional, employment, and family rights. Over 50% of their legal casework concerns lesbian family issues. In recent years, a series of high profile custody cases involving lesbian mothers has been "discovered" by the national media. And increasingly, NCLR, as attorneys, educators and advisors, is called upon to give voice to this critical issue -- custody and visitation are the #1 reasons that lesbian and gay Americans go to court. In dealing with the media, NCLR has been an eloquent and impassioned champion of our families -- with the message that sexual orientation does not make one a good or bad parent. Rather, it's our family values that count: love and nurturing; integrity and responsibility; acceptance, respect and inclusion. Previous recipients of GLPCI's Image in Media Award include: Phil Donahue and Oprah Winfrey, Dear Abby, authors April Martin and Amity Pierce Buxton, The Tracey Ullman Show, and Colonel Grethe Cammermeyer. GLPCI is proud to announce the addition of the National Center for Lesbian Rights to this distinguished group of honorees. Chapters of the Year -- This year, GLPCI honors five local support groups, which helped found our predecessor, the Gay Fathers Coalition International, back in 1979-80: Gay Fathers of Greater Boston, Massachusetts Gay Fathers of Los Angeles, California Gay Fathers I of New York, New York Gay Fathers of Toronto, Ontario and Gay Fathers Coalition of Washington, DC Month after month, year after year, these groups provide a supportive environment for formerly and currently married men who are "coming out" as gay men and gay parents. The support these groups provide is critical in assisting gay and bisexual men in transition to build and enhance a positive self-image and encouraging them to be loving and responsible fathers. In addition, these five fathers' groups have consistently been distinguished leaders of their local communities: - raising money to fight AIDS - speaking for our families in the media - hosting parenting conferences - networking with lesbian mothers' groups and wanna-be parents, and - working to insure that our families are fully protected in the courts and legislatures. GLPCI is extremely proud of the long term efforts and achievements of these fathers and celebrates the unique role they've played in the lives of thousands of men, women and children in their local areas. Keep up your outstanding work! Love makes a Family! Award -- Last year, the NBC television show, Friends, received GLPCI's first "Love makes a Family! Award" for its groundbreaking storyline of lesbian motherhood. This year's recipient, Momazons, is a national organization for lesbian mothers and for lesbians who want children in their lives. In 1992, Momazons began as a small group of lesbian moms and moms-to-be in Columbus, Ohio. Because they did not live in a progressive, urban metropolis, supportive resources for diverse families were harder to identify. They found strength in sharing information and wanted to provide that same opportunity for other mothers, regardless of where they live. Six times a year, Momazons produces a 16-page "momma'zine," celebrating lesbian families and families-to-be. This publication facilitates a national dialogue about lesbians' experiences and opinions about considering children, creating a family, blending families, child rearing and other issues of significance to our families. Other programs include an extensive directory of supportive resources for lesbian mothers, a "mom-to-mom" referral program, and phone consultations for those considering parenting options. Through their connecting and sharing, Momazons is actively involved in increasing the strength, vitality and diversity of the lesbian mothering community. With our heartfelt thanks and appreciation, GLPCI is honored to acknowledge the work of the mommas (and children) of Momazons -- work that shouts to the world "Love makes a Family! Regional Coordinator of the Year -- GLPCI is proud to announce its selection of Steven Gaither of Kent, Ohio as its ninth Regional Coordinator of the Year. These volunteers are recognized for making an outstanding contribution to GLPCI, its mission, and to the chapters and individuals in his or her region. During the past year, Steven has traveled to conferences -- including NGLTF's Creating Change and the National Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum -- to represent GLPCI and network with other activists, conducted several radio and print media interviews discussing his life as an adoptive father, and attended local chapter meetings in three different cities. With good humor and boundless enthusiasm, he's been a tireless activist on behalf of GLPCI and its member families -- all while completing law school and raising two pre-schoolers. Congratulations to Steven and his entire family and many thanks for all your love and support! - END - For more information, contact the Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International, Box 50360, Washington, DC 20091 - (202) 583-8029; Fax: (201) 783-6204. For information about GLPCI's 17th Annual Family Conference, contact the host chapter, Minnesota Families, at P.O. Box 11970, St. Paul, MN 55111-0970; (612) 924-3049.