Date: Thu, 01 Feb 1996 11:16:56 EST From: (MR ANDREW B EDDY) Subject: Re: Fwd: 1996 DOD Authori zation Bill---------------------------------------------------------- --- Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America National Headquarters FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Ken Osborn National Vice President- Public Affairs President, Long Beach/Orange County Chapter (310) 495-4104 Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Veterans Outraged By Clinton's Acceptance of Defense Bill Washington D.C. January 29, 1996,-- Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans and service members across the nation are outraged over president Clinton's signing of the Defense Authorization Bill for 1996. The legislation contains a detrimental amendment that separates all service members who are HIV+ . Though the president says he will work to remove this portion of the legislation, we need only remember that he also said he would allow gays in the military. All of us know how the result of that promise, the untenable policy of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The amendment to separate HIV+ service members is the product of the demented mind of Republican Representative Robert Dornan of California. Dornan is an avowed enemy of the AIDS and Homosexual community. Dornan has even been quoted as saying that the word GAY stood for Got AIDS Yet . The amendment places HIV+ soldiers in a different category from other service members with diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, and Hepatitis by forcing their separation even though they can still fully perform their duties. Not only is this bill discriminatory, it is bad for the services. Admittedly, if a service member cannot perform their duties, they should be separated. This should be with full benefits in the form of a medical discharge just as in any other health related case. The commanders of service members who are HIV+ have no say in their discharge; the legislation is very clear on this. This legislation will rob the services of many bright and productive members who's training and cost of replacement will run into the millions of dollars. Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans (GLBVA) National condemns the signing of this bill as another betrayal by the Whitehouse on the issue of gays in the military. The president has stood his ground on several of the appropriation bills, to include the Defense Authorization bill up to this point, and should have done the same in this case until the Dornan amendment was removed. The President had stated that he was against this measure on several occasions but it seems he was unwilling to back his statements with the power of his Veto. GLBVA National only hopes that the President will keep his word and find a way to remove this legislation before it goes into force in June of this year.