Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 21:17:28 PST From: (Robert j Lafont) Subject: Hotline messages 0207-0217 GLAAD Monitor/Response network: Each message is organized by the date and time received. Source of media message is coded. Additional codes will be added as received. (AAA,BBB,CC) AAA = Where media message was originally observed LAX = Los Angeles NYC = New York City SFO = San Francisco BBB = Network or media source ABC = American Broadcasting CBS = Columbia Broadcasting CNN = Cable News Network FOX = Fox Broadcasting IND = Independent MSC = Miscellaneous NBC = National Broadcasting NWK = News Week magazine PBS = Public Broadcasting TIM = Time magazine VAR = Daily Variety XTN = Christian affiliation CC = Media type AM = AM Radio CA = Cable FM = FM Radio MG = Magazine MV = Movie NP = News Paper TV = Television 940207 15:35 (LAX.ABC.TV) Outraged that they won't allow the Roseanne Barr to air "The Kiss". Please send me more info on what GLAAD is. I would like to get involved. 940207 18:08 (LAX.???.MV) Saw Ace Ventura and felt that it was a most homophobic film. 940208 09:10 (LAX.ABC.TV) Last night on CH 7 they mentioned that GLAAD was urging ABC to air the Rosanne episode. Last week on Blossom, Joey Lawrence finds that a friend is gay and defends him, even though he is not comfortable with gay people. (might warrant a nomination for next year). Also Mommies had two gay guys at her garage sale. 940208 10:00 (LAX.NWK.MG) Feb issue of Newsweek has a good article on Homophobia. (faxed to LAX office) 940209 20:28 (LAX.FOX.TV) Unsolved mysteries just had an episode about a woman who disappeared, it was obvious that she was a lesbian, yet they never mentioned that she was. I felt that they were holding back the lesbian aspect of the story. 2/9 Salina Etton episode. 940210 19:10 (LAX.NBC.TV) on ET they said that ABC is refusing to air an episode of rosanne. I think that it is stupid. 940212 13:33 (LAX.IND.TV) CH13 Commercial about upcoming show 02/14 at 10:00 on CH13 sound like it might be AIDSphobic. 940212 15:34 (LAX.IND.TV) Saw a teaser on CH13 that may be AIDSphobic. (see 940212 13:33) 940212 19:48 (LAX.???.MV) Saw Ace Ventura Pet Detective and was very upset by what I saw. I would appreciate a call back. 940213 04:49 (LAX.NBC.TV) SNL tonight was just awful about "Canteen Boy" being molested by his scout master (Alec Baldwin). 940214 11:28 (LAX.???.TV) Jerry Springer had 2 lesbians from Mississippi with a black minister who mentioned that he was offended by gays hanging onto the coat-tails of the civil rights movement because he did not feel that homosexuality was an inbred characteristic. Jerry handled it very well. 940214 14:24 (LAX.???.MG) In the Continental Airline inflight magazine "Profiles" they have an advertisement with a picture of a blue frappe drink, with the caption, "we can take you to places where you won't feel like a sissy to drink this." I think that you should contact them, I will be happy to send you a copy of the ad. 940214 17:18 (LAX.NBC.TV) CH4 NEWS Paul Moyer news article on Gay domestic partnership laws was followed with an article about child pornography. I think that the placement of the pornography piece was a deliberate slap in the face to gay people. Once again linking gays with pederasty. 940214 20:02 (LAX.XTN.AM) On Friday 2/18 KBRT 740AM 2:30 - 4:00 pm. Prof Hawkins will air a homophobic call-in show about a conference of presbyterians that said that homosexuality should be discussed. you should be available and listening to call in and defend gay rights. The number to call is 800 427-KBRT. 940215 10:20 (LAX.NBC.TV) SNL had an awful skit with Alec Baldwin and a molesting boy scout leader. 940215 22:42 (LAX.VAR.MG) Daily Variety 2/14 review about a new film "Strawberry and Chocolate". " Diego is a faggy gay who revels in his gaiety." I wonder how you feel about this review since you paid to advertise in the same issue about the Rosanne show? 940217 18:45 (LAX.CNN.CA) Larry King Live CNN in an interview with Vicci Lawrence they both commented how foolish it was to keep Rosanne from showing "The Kiss". He noted that on 'Sally' you can see a Lesbian weddings but you can't see the kiss on prime time. 940217 12:04 (LAX.MSC.MG) Why is it that all the Gay magazines are always in the porno sections of news stands. I would like to help work on this problem. _______________________________________________________