____________________________________________________________________________ This article was published by GLAAD/New York in their January/Febuary BULLETIN. The only way to defeat homophobia is to confront it. ____________________________________________________________________________ EXEMPLARY 20/20 On Nov. 30th, the ABC news show 20/20 covered the fight against anti-gay discrimination at Cracker Barrel restaurants. Last year, the chain located in the South and Midwest ordered all its restaurants to identify and fire lesbian and gay employees. The segment, produced by Sharon Young and reported by Tom Jarriel, interviewed several fired employees now active in protests against Cracker Barrel. In an extended interview, former employee Cheryl Sommerville wept as she described being called into the office and asked if she were a lesbian, knowing that a lie would be to deny her life partner while telling the truth would (and did) mean loss of her livelihood. After the segment, Jarriel spoke with Barbara Walters, who expressed shock that such blatant discrimination isn't illegal and went on to say, "I however think I might be able to find another restaurant to go to if I were in that area." When Jarriel assured Walters that would be her right, she said emphatically, "I will." Last March, ABC's 20/20 aired an excellent report on gays and the military (produced by David Sloan). And we hear a story is being researched on gay teen suicide. We need to support producers who often have to fight to get gay issues reported, so encourage 20/20 to continue covering lesbian and gay stories (including the proposed teen suicide piece). Write to: Victor Neufeld Executive Producer, 20/20 ABC News 47 W. 66th Street New York, NY 10023 WRITE BARBARA WALTERS AT THE SAME ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________ PRIMETIME LIVE on target: ABC's other newsmagazine, PRIMETIME LIVE, has rarely touched gay issues. However a Dec. 19th report,"Born or Bred" was a well-presented look at Dr. Simon LeVay and his research suggestion that there could be a gentic/physiological basis for sexual orientation, related to the structure of the brain's hypothalamus. The segment, produced by Rudy Bednar and reported by Jay Schadler, offered an intelligent range of scientific perspectives, as well as testimony from lesbians and gays about out life-long difference from heterosexuals. Dr. LeVay, who is openly gay, poignantly discussed the death of his lover, Richard, as a notivation for his research. LeVay's father, also a doctor, captured the confusion of many parents of gya children when he said he finds homosexuality "abhorrent" but declared his son's relationship with Richard showed "love and devotion on a scal I've never seen before, and of which i would be incapable." Encourage the show to devote more air time to lesbian and gay social issues. Write to: Rick Kaplan Executive Producer, PRIMETIME LIVE ABC News 47 W. 66th Street New York, NY 10023 ______________________________________________________________________________ To receive and support the BULLETIN, tax-deductible contribution(s) can be sent to the address below. For a $35 annual contribution you can become a GLAAD/New York member. Write to: GLAAD or phone: (212) 966-1700 80 Varick Street Suite 3E New York, New York 10013 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________