Keywords: Transcript of the Conservative Resource Center's taped phone message regarding their campaign against lifting the ban on gays in the military. This message can be heard by calling (702) 334-1212. ------------------------------------------------------------ "Hi, thank you for calling the Conservative Resource Center information line. In just a moment we're going to tell you about all the things that you can do to defeat President Clinton's plan to lift the plan, er, the ban on homosexuals in the military. First, we'd like to tell you that we need funding for this effort and to continue our funding in Washington, please send us twenty dollars to become a member of the Conservative Resource Center. We need your support. Send your tax, er, NON-tax deductible membership fee to The Conservative Resource Center, 611 South Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 222, Palm Springs, California, 92264. Once again that's The Conservative Resource Center, 611 South Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 222, Palm Springs, California, 92264. Now, to find out what those homosexuals are up to, get the tape, "The March on Washington," and the March on Washington demands of the Gay Agenda for the 90s...[with] bonus coverage of Dr. Reevies (sp?) Project Ten and their intention to indoctrinate the school children of the country at age three in Head Start programs, kindergarten and first grade is not early enough. To get this tape, please send just $14.95 plus $3 shipping and handling to The Conservative Resource Center, 611 South Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 222, Palm Springs, California. Now, to be heard in Washington, there's three things. First call the White House Comments Line at (202) 456-1111. Once again that's (202) 456-1111. And the key players in the Senate and the House are, uh, San Nunn in the Senate. You can call area code (202) 224-3521. Uh, Sam is the Chairman, of, uh, of the, uh, Senate Arms Services Committee. Uh, Ron Delms (sp?) at (202) 225-2261. He's the Chairman of the House Arms Services Committee. Also call Les Aspin at area code (703) 695-5261. Les is Secretary of Defense. And also give Colin Powell a call at (703) 697-9121. Let them hear from you and we'll make a difference here. Let them hear and we'll make a difference. To contact us directly, we're at (619) 322-1000. We need your help. Send us $20 and become a member. And, uh, to get on our mailing list and also to get, uh, uh, uh, a supply of petitions to, uh, so that we can send them to Congress, uh, again, write us at 611 South Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 222, Palm Springs, California, 92264. For petitions, tapes, uh, or, any another information, or send your money. Thank you very much and thanks for calling. Bye." --end of message-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't let people like this restrict the Civil Rights for *any* citizen. Speak out! The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20500 202-456-2461 (Fax) 212-456-1111 (Comment Line) White House email addresses 75300,311@CompuServe.COM Support GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. For information call (212) 807-1700 or check your phone directory for a local GLAAD office.