Date: Sat, 5 Mar 94 20:26:22 PST From: (Robert j Lafont) Subject: GLAAD Hotline update 2/7 - 3/3 1994 One of the many things that GLAAD does is to monitor the media for positive and negative images of Gays and Lesbians. All GLAAD chapters have some form of a "Monitor/Response" procedure in place. Here is how they work. GLAAD members and friends watch TV, listen to radio, go to the movies or read newspapers. In Los Angeles our 8000+ army of eyes & ears, call a hotline (213 931-9GAY) and report when ever they hear about something of interest to GLAAD. We then transcribe the text of the messages and forward them to a committee that meets several times a month to determine what action should be taken. Sometimes a letter, sometimes a phone call, sometimes a full scale demonstration, sometime a pat on the back for a job well done. This is an attempt to unite the monitor mission for all GLAAD chapters nationwide. via INTERNET, America Online, Compuserve, FAX or any other "information highway" vehicle. If each reader of this message will take a moment to post us a note describing a Monitor/Response issue that needs action, we will compile them and forward them to all GLAAD chapters for action and then back to this mailing list, with update status as available. Many of our most effective and exciting successes to date are from single telephone calls to the right person by someone with a calm and sensible explanation of why a particular media messages is hurtful to Gay men or Lesbian women. Please monitor your local media and when something offends you post a short note describing WHO, WHAT, WHERE and WHEN or call the defamation hotline (213 931-9GAY), we will transcribe the notes and re-post them here for action. If you do not want your name, telephone number, or e-mail address posted in the public file please say so but please include them, if you can, so we can follow up or secure additional data about the particular offense. Note to area GLAAD chapters, please return any feedback, success or failure stories for the status file. Note to area activists, if want to take on the task of calling or writing the media drop me a note and I'll create a file documenting your efforts so that full updates can flow to area chapters. Send all replies to: Bob LaFont OR OR fax to (213) 658-6776. If you fax the update may be delayed because a volunteer will need to enter the message into the network for processing. If you don't have access to INTERNET or America On Line use the GLAAD/LA BBS at 213 658-6516, we are currently upgrading to 19.2K baud so your toll call will be short. Each message is prefaced by the date and time received. Source of media message is coded. (AAA.BBB.CC.D) AAA = Where media message was originally observed LAX = Los Angeles CA NYC = New York City NY SFO = San Francisco CA CHI = Chicago IL DEN = Denver CO BBB = Network or media source ABC = American Broadcasting CBS = Columbia Broadcasting CNN = Cable News Network FOX = Fox Broadcasting IND = Independent MSC = Miscellaneous NBC = National Broadcasting NWK = News Week magazine PBS = Public Broadcasting TIM = Time UNI = UNIvision (Spanish language) VAR = Daily Variety XTN = Christian affiliation DIS = Disney Studios or Television xxx = lower case entries are call letters of station CC = Media format AL = Homophobia ALert AM = AM Radio CA = CAble FM = FM Radio MG = MaGazine MV = MoVie NP = News Paper TV = TeleVision DI = microwave downlink (DIsh) SW = Short wave AM PA = Public Access cable SI = SIgn in public D = Source or report H = L.A. HOTLINE I = INTERNET / GAYNET B = L.A. BBS O = OTHER CHAPTER E-Mail names are inclosed in angle braces Public names are inclosed it curly braces {Bob LaFont} Non-public names are inclosed in square braces []. Please do not publish non-public names and treat them with respect when calling for more information. Non-public names are striped from public versions of this message. If you want to put comments into the text that will not go out over the public network put it between square braces []. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* GLAAD Monitor/Response network 02/07/94 to 03/03/94 940207 15:35 (LAX.ABC.TV.H) [] Outraged that they won't allow the Roseanne Barr, sorry Arnold, to air "The Kiss". Please send me more info on what GLAAD is. I would like to get involved. 940207 18:08 (LAX.???.MV.H) [] Saw Ace Ventura and felt that it was a most homophobic film. 940208 09:10 (LAX.ABC.TV.H) [] Last night on CH 7 they mentioned that GLAAD was urging ABC to air the Rosanne episode. Last week on Blossom, Joey Lawrence finds that a friend is gay and defends him, even though he is not comfortable with gay people. (might warrant a nomination for next year). Also Mommies had two gay guys at her garage sale. 940208 10:00 (LAX.NWK.MG.H) [] Feb issue of Newsweek has a good article on Homophobia. (faxed to LAX office) 940209 20:28 (LAX.FOX.TV.H) [] Unsolved mysteries just had an episode about a woman who disappeared, it was obvious that she was a lesbian, yet they never mentioned that she was. I felt that they were holding back the lesbian aspect of the story. 2/9 Salina Etton episode. 940210 19:10 (LAX.NBC.TV.H) on ET they said that ABC is refusing to air an episode of rosanne. I think that it is stupid. 940212 13:33 (LAX.IND.TV.H) CH13 Commercial about upcoming show 02/14 at 10:00 on CH13 sound like it might be AIDSphobic. 940212 15:34 (LAX.IND.TV.H) [] Saw a teaser on CH13 that may be AIDSphobic. (see 940212 13:33) 940212 19:48 (LAX.???.MV.H) [] Saw Ace Ventura Pet Detective and was very upset by what I saw. I would appreciate a call back. 940213 04:49 (LAX.NBC.TV.H) [] SNL tonight was just awful about "Canteen Boy" being molested by his scout master (Alec Baldwin). 940214 11:28 (LAX.???.TV.H) [] Jerry Springer had 2 lesbians from Mississippi with a black minister who mentioned that he was offended by gays hanging onto the coat-tails of the civil rights movement because he did not feel that homosexuality was an inbred characteristic. Jerry handled it very well. 940214 14:24 (LAX.???.MG.H) [] In the an advertisement with a picture of a blue frappe drink, with Continental Airline inflight magazine "Profiles" they have the caption, "we can take you to places where you won't feel like a sissy to drink this." I think that you should contact them, I will be happy to send you a copy of the ad. 940214 17:18 (LAX.NBC.TV.H) CH4 NEWS Paul Moyer news article on Gay domestic partnership laws was followed with an article about child pornography. I think that the placement of the pornography piece was a deliberate slap in the face to gay people. Once again linking gays with pederasty. 940214 20:02 (LAX.XTN.AM.H) [] 310 428-4794 On Friday 2/18 KBRT 740AM 2:30 - 4:00 pm. Prof Hawkins will air a homophobic call-in show about a conference of presbyterians that said that homosexuality should be discussed. you should be available and listening to call in and defend gay rights. The number to call is 800 427-KBRT. 940215 10:20 (LAX.NBC.TV.H) [] SNL had an awful skit with Alec Baldwin and a molesting boy scout leader. 940215 22:42 (LAX.VAR.MG.H) Daily Variety 2/14 review about a new film "Strawberry and Chocolate". " Diego is a faggy gay who revels in his gaiety." I wonder how you feel about this review since you paid to advertise in the same issue about the Rosanne show? 940217 18:45 (LAX.CNN.CA.H) Larry King Live CNN in an interview with Vicci Lawrence they both commented how foolish it was to keep Rosanne from showing "The Kiss". He noted that on 'Sally' you can see a Lesbian weddings but you can't see the kiss on prime time. 940217 12:04 (LAX.MSC.MG.H) Why is it that all the Gay magazines are always in the porno sections of news stands. I would like to help work on this problem. 940217 01:15 (LAX.FOX.TV.H) [] : The Simpsons had a gay reference this week. Lisa took on the issue of sexism & Barbie. While having the discussion with her family they pointed out that among other causes she had encouraged the family to attend a gay rights rally. I thought that it was cute and well done, not to mention keeping Gay rights in the main stream dialog. 940217 09:51 (LAX,kroq,FM.H) KROQ AM: DJ Ken 8:15 2/17 was speaking about going to the theatre and saw a guy in a fur coat and then went on and on about how he had to be a homo. This is a station that caters to young people and they need to be educated. 940220 18:03 (CHI.wls.AM.I) {Joe Shaffer }: One week ago today, (2-13-94) the Nate Clay show on WLS(890 am) had as it's topic, Gay Marriages and Adoptions. Mr. Clay had some of the most homophobic crap, on for 4 hours (12pm-4am Thus the date might be monday morning). Only ONE Gay positive person called in, someone from the community in Chicago, and began to rip apart all the arguments against gay adoption and marriages, and Mr. Clay cut him off in mid sentence, and said that they had to get to another caller, even though all the other callers were allowed to fully speak their minds. The Host said did say once that he was against Gay marriages and adoptions. ps: You should write to WLS and ask for a transcript of that show. WLS is carried on 28 sates and parts of canada, so this homophobic bullshit was spread pretty far. I didn't listen to the entire show, just listened intermittently because after the umpteen frigging idiot called up saying that if we got adoption rights we were going to warp or molest or kids, I would have to get up and leave off for a few and calm down. 940220 23:00 (LAX.CBS.TV.H) Channel 2 News at six, commentary by Michael Tucker: Gave the story of a family who had lost everything in the earthquake, then mentioned an idiot who said this was God's wrath for all the pornograhphers in the San Fernando Valley. The idiot was Pat Robertson and he clearly labled him - IDIOT. Bouquets to Tucker. We need more people lableling that man and those like him as IDIOTS. 940218 18:00 (LAX.CBS.TV.H) : Channel 2 News at six, commentary by Michael Tucker: Gave the story of a family who had lost everything in the earthquake, then mentioned an idiot who said this was God's wrath for all the pornograhphers in the San Fernando Valley. The idiot was Pat Robertson and he clearly labled him - IDIOT. Bouquets to Tucker. We need more people lableling that man and those like him IDIOTS. 940221 15:05 (LAX.EIB.AM.I) [] : For me, it is difficult for me to picture approving of or advocating fairness to Rush Limbaugh. This character never loses a chance to demean gay people, lesbian people, people of color, and women. The fact that the Florida citrus growers sponsor him is noteworthy, he is a worthy successor to Anita Bryant and her campaign to save America's children from the influence of homosexuals. To this extent, Limbaugh's bigotry begins to take on the imprimatur of the state, i.e., citrus growing is a major industry of Florida, and when that industry hires Limbaugh to help peddle its product, then the income reinforces the cast for bigotry. We all know also that the Pentagon is contracting with Limbaugh for the Armed Forces Radio. Why so? Do you not think as I that the Pentagon is doing that to further shore up its own bigotry, its own fear of women and gay and lesbian people? I think we should be screaming to high heaven about this man's bigotry, we must tell our representatives in Congress that we recognize his point of view, and that we want none of this on the Armed Forces Radio, for which we all pay plenty of taxes. Our income must not play any role in our own oppression. 940221 14:00 (LAX.???.??.I) The following is the press release penned by Reverend Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps of Topeka, Kansas. Feb 19, 1994 Fred Phelps, Pastor Westboro Baptist Church and Library 3701 West 12th, P.O. Box 1886 Topeka KS 66604 Office 913-273-0325 Library 913-273-0338 FILTHY FACE OF FAG EVIL News Release WBC TO PICKET FUNERAL OF FAMOUS FAG RANDY SHILTS IN SAN FRANCISCO Another filthy media fag has died of AIDS and split Hell wide open -- RANDY SHILTS, of "And The Band Played On" fame. The fag dominated entertainment and media worlds are making a hero of this gerbil mongering moron, and touting his anal copulating lifestyle as a glorious thing to be emulated by American youth. But there's another side to the FAG SHILTS STORY, systematically blacked out by the media, to wit : "and in Hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments." (Lk. 16:23) Therefore, WBC will picket this Famous Fag Funeral at GLide Memorial Church at 330 Ellis in San Francisco on Feb 22 at high noon. DYING TIME IS TRUTH TIME. TURN OR BURN, ALL YE LIVING FAGS! "For our God is a consuming fire." (Heb. 12:29) 940221 12:06 (LAX.NBC.TV.H) [] Subject: Saturday Night Live Was anybody else offended by Martin Lawrence's performance on SNL on 2/19/94? He was sexist, chauvinistic, homophobic, insensitive, and generally unfunny. Besides, I don't like being refered to as an "Ass Pirate" - even in jest. 940221 13:00 (LAX.NBC.TV.H) Last Wednesday night on Entertainment Tonight, they had a segment on TV sitcom and film co-star Tom Villard who publically came out and announced that he was gay and had AIDS. Tom was co-star in the 1984 situation comedy WE'VE GOT IT MADE (with Matt McCoy and Teri Copley) where he and Matt shared an apartment with their maid Copley. He's been also seen in films such as POPCORN (as a mad slasher), SWIMSUIT (as William Katt's photographer friend) looking for swimsuit models, both male and females, and MY GIRL (as a group therapy leader) with Macauley Caulkin and Anna Chomsky. He was diagnosed with the AIDS virus when he was filming MY GIRL. (positive image) 940221 16:15 (LAX.???.??.I) Subject: Pentagon and Limbaugh Dear Pres. Clinton: It has come to my attention that the Pentagon is negotiating with Rush Limbaugh for the Armed Services Radio Network. Please, take immediate action to prevent this from happening. Mr. Limbaugh's vociferous attitude towards women and gays has NO PLACE in the U.S. military until these current topics of contention have been resolved in our society. 94/02/22 23:21 (CHI.MSC.SI.I) Subject: Another First Interstate? X-Digest-Info: GayNet Digest Volume 14 Issue 282 As y'all can see, I've sent this into GLAAD. I received a "we got it and forwarded it internally" message, but nothing of substance. Does anybody know about this or get incensed as I do? On Monday, I first noticed the following statement posted in the front lobby of the Bally's Chicago Health Club on Washington Street in Chicago's Loop. It smacks me as the same sort of trash as at First Interstate. While I have no "before" image to compare it to, does it demonstrate a backtreading by them? Bally's condemns discrimination of any kind against those granted protected status under Federal, State, County, and City ordinances and that any person who has concerns about discrimination should so advise the manager on duty. 94/02/22 10:28 (LAX.DIS.MV.H) [] New disney feature "The Lion Tamer" the villain is another evil homosexual. 94/02/23 23:19 (LAX.???.??.H) [] I am writing an essay on coming out and wonder if you have and statistics that I can use. Please call me back. 94/02/24 12:41 (LAX.CNN.TV.H) Listening to headline news the report that Janet reno will allow AIDS people in for the NY games. 94/02/24 16:26 (LAX,kfi.AM.H) [] 790 AM radio Dennis Pragger said that it was societies responsibility for families to raise straight people. (Dennis is a Rush Wanabe) 94/02/24 22:35 (NYC.TIM.NP.H) [] Kraft foods memo was accidentally sent out that states that no advertising will be made for the upcoming "kiss" episode of the Rosanne show. It was supposed to be an internal memo but got sent out the nation press by mistake. Most of the press except for the NY times is not releasing it however. 94/02/25 19:01 (LAX.UNI.TV.H) CH 34 UHF did a report on NAMBLA and they said that all Gay people are pedophiles. It was very sleazy and they even used a clip from the Gay agenda 95/02/25 20:04 (LAX.NBC.TV.H) [] Milk comercial on CH4 after Hard Copy that features a male character who takes offense to being called SUGAR. I thought that it was homophobic and that you ought to look into it. 94/02/27 17:56 (LAX.???.MV.H) [] Reality Bites had a Gay character that was handled very well and positivley. [] 94/03/03 08:00 (NYC.MSC.AL.I) [] St Patrick's Day Parade/NYC Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization Protest March This is the fourth year that the Irish Lesbian & Gay Organization (ILGO) is being excluded from marching in the St. Patrick's Day parade. Only weeks ago the New York City administration settled a court case with the parade organizers, the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) awarding them the parade permit forever and paying them $150,000. Last year the AOH said, *the parade will be a celebration of a victory of traditional Catholic values over homosexuals.* * Protest homophobia march with ILGO St. Patrick's Day Thursday, March 17th. Meet on the steps of the New York Public Library (5th and 42nd) at 9 a.m. SHARP * ZAP Congressman Tom Manton (D-Queens) ALL DAY Thursday March 3 Manton is the Grand Marshall of the 1994 official parade Phone 718/1400 Fax 718/472-0489 Washington fax 202/255-1909 * Marshall training for the ILGO march Monday, March 7th, 8.p.m. @ The Center, 208 w.13th st, NYC * Civil Disobedience training Sunday, March 13th 2-8 p.m @ the Center * Pre-action meeting Thursday, March 15th, 6-7:30 @ the Center * Information Hotline - call ILGO - 212/967-7711 ext.3078