For Immediate Release Contact: GLAAD/USA Spokespersons Lee Werbel, GLLAD/LA 213-463-3632 Ellen Carton, GLLAD/NY 212-807-1700 Los Angeles, CA, July 19, 1993--The United Chapters of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD/USA) condemn the Clinton Administration's recommendation to continue discrimination against lesbians and gay men in the Armed Services. The proposed labeling of homosexuality as "incompatible with military service" will allow the military a continued legal basis by which lesbian and gay people may be arbitrarily discharged. Such a declaration contradicts the Department of Defense's own statements and studies of the question, which hav consistently cited the able service of lesbian and gay people. A majority of Americans support lifting the ban. The will of the people has been overruled by politicians advancing their own agendas. The President's capitulation to the advocates of bigotry is indefensible. This policy is old discrimination in a new package. The lesbian and gay communities will continue to fight for equality of every level, in the courts, the legislature, and the streets. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy mandates discrimination by enforcing a double standard of conduct, placing particular limits of freedom of speech by lesbian and gay personnel. The policy includes expulsion of discovered lesbian and gay service people. The policy fails to address the issue of sexual harassment perpetrated by heterosexuals, of which the Tailhook scandal is an example. The President has again shown his unwillingness to stand up for what's right and make a case to Congress. The notion that the Department of Defense can pretend that there are no lesbians or gays in their ranks simply by requiring those people to lie is nonsense; that they would seriously advocate such convoluted dishonesty reveals a shocking lack of basic values and even rationality in the Department leadership. Military spokespersons have repeatedly argued, in defense of discrimination, that their leadership does not have sufficient control over its troops to expect them to work together professionally; the Department of Defense will never regain its credibility with such bizarre and unprincipled policies. The Department of Defense has invested whatever authority it does have in the promotion rather than the correction of prejudice, and it is lesbian and gay service people who will certainly continue to suffer. GLAAD calls upon the media to report the contradictions and consequences of the proposed policy. GLAAD/USA is a non-profit organization with chapters in seven cities which combats written, oral and visual defamation of lesbian women and gay men, and works as a resource for media professionals and others seeking to use accurate and inclusive images of gay people. ### ^^^^^^^^^^^ "Ginger Rogers did everythng Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels." Variously attributed to Faith Whittlesey, Linda Ellerbee, and Ann Richards, 1980 -----email sig of Jessea NR Greenman,