Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 19:09:50 -0500 From: (GLAAD) Subject: GLAADLINES GLAADLINES FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 15, 1997 News, Tips and Breaking Stories about the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community contact: Liz Tracey (212) 807 1700 NYC COUNCILMEMBER WANTS MILITARY OUT OF TIMES SQUARE: On December 16 openly gay New York City Councilmember Tom Duane will be holding hearings on whether the Times Square Armed Forces Recruiting Station violates city law, which prevents New York City from entering into contracts with any company which discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation. The recruiting station, which has been in the location for 51 years, sits on city-owned land, and pays no rent. NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has said that "at this point, they [gay activists and Midtown business leaders] can forget about any plans of removing it because I wouldn't approve it." "The City of New York must live up to its moral and legal commitment to treat all of its citizens equally, and neither engage in nor abet discriminatory practices," said Duane. "Why are we giving away valuable city property for free to an organization that discriminates?" The hearing will be held at 250 Broadway, 23rd floor Hearing Room at 10:00a.m. For more information, contact Andrew Berman (Duane's office) at (212) 929-5501, pager (800) 395-6222, pin# 9905806. GAY FINANCIAL SITE LAUNCHES ON WEB: Walter B. Schubert, the first openly gay member of the New York Stock Exchange, has launched the Gay Financial Network (GFN) LLC, "the first fully integrated financial services Web site to target the lesbian and gay community." Services available through GFN (which can be found at will include an online investment center, financial planning, portfolio management, a banking, real estate and mortgage referral service, insurance products and shareholder initiatives and tools for corporate change. "The gay and lesbian community has been underrepresented on Wall Street for too long," said Mr. Schubert. "GFN's sole purpose will be to completely service all of the unique financial needs of the gay and lesbian community." For more information, contact Denise Walpole/Kim Freeman (The Terpin Group) at (212) 473-7500. 7 HABITS AUTHOR NEEDS TO APOLOGIZE TO COMMUNITY: The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a lesbian and gay political organization, issued a call for Dr. Stephen Covey, author of the book The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, to retract his endorsement of an anti-gay organization in Hawaii and to apologize publicly to the lesbian and gay community. Covey appeared at a fundraiser in Honolulu on November 20, held to raise money for an anti-same sex marriage group. At the event, Covey is reported to have said, "I believe it takes a mother and a father to produce a child and there's never been an exception. To me, that is a kind of natural principle for a natural law. And that's why I'm behind this kind of movement." David M. Smith, senior strategist for HRC, said that Covey's speech "came within hours after [he] personally told me that he was not aware of this group's agenda, and that he would not endorse its mission." For more information, contact David M. Smith (HRC) at (202) 628-4160. NEW WEB SITE FOR THOSE WHO ARE COMING OUT:, a Web site for both young people and parents, gay or straight, who are looking for information and answers about the coming out process, was launched today at Assisted by PlanetOut, Jeffrey Seiff designed the site while at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. The technology used helps make users feel welcome through an "intelligent agent," which allows people to pick their own guides through the site, and ask questions in their own words; also included is a virtual bookshelf, a resource compendium, Pros & Cons on various issues and Bulletin Boards. "I have talked to parents who have had no place to go where their anonymity would be respected and their feelings would be responded to," said actress Judith Light, who is a supporter of the site. For more information, contact Jeffrey Seiff ( at (650) 327-8395, or Jason Lorber (Lorber Consulting) at (415) 421-4529. SALT LAKE CITY APPROVES PROTECTION FOR CITY EMPLOYEES: After two hours of bitter debate and a vow by a fellow councilmember to repeal it, the Salt Lake City Council voted 5-2 to pass an ordinance which protects the rights of lesbian and gay city employees. The University of Utah and Salt Lake County already have anti-discrimination policies in place. Salt Lake City was the site of acrimonious fighting over whether gay/straight alliances should be allowed in high schools. During the debate on the law, Councilmember Bryce Jolley threatened "If you choose to pass this, it will be for two weeks only." Before casting her vote for the law, City Councilmember Deanna Seed said "My heart is broken by some of the comments we've heard tonight. I'm truly sorry that we have a situation in our society where people are still so bigoted and hateful. These comments have amply demonstrated the need for this ordinance." For more information, contact Deanna Seed (Salt Lake City Council) at (801) 535-7600. To report events that merit media coverage, or news stories breaking in your area, please contact us. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is a national organization that promotes fair, accurate and inclusive representation of individuals and events in the media as a means of combating homophobia and all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity. To subscribe contact Don Romesburg at (415) 861-2244 or at "GLAAD" and "Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation" are registered trademarks of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Inc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) TO REPORT DEFAMATION IN THE MEDIA - Call GLAAD's Alertline at 1.800.GAY.MEDIA or go to the GLAAD Web Site at and report through our Alertline Online. TO JOIN GLAAD AND RECEIVE GLAAD's DISPATCH AND QUARTERLY IMAGES MAGAZINE, call 1.800.GAY.MEDIA or join on the Web today at TO SUBSCRIBE TO GLAAD-Net, GLAAD's electronic mailing list, send e-mail to with the message "Subscribe GLAAD-Net" TO UNSUBSCRIBE, send e-mail to with the message "Unsubscribe GLAAD-Net" GLAAD is a national organization that promotes fair, accurate and inclusive representation as a means of challenging discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "GLAAD" and "Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation" are registered trademarks of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Inc.