Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 20:07:10 -0400 From: (GLAAD) Subject: GLAADLINES GLAADLINES FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 8, 1997 News, Tips and Breaking Stories about the Gay & Lesbian Community contact: Don Romesburg (415) 861-2244 CLERGY AND PEOPLE OF FAITH OPPOSE CHRISTIAN COALITION CONVENTION: A host of activities designed to expose radical religious attacks on lesbians and gay men, freedom and religion will counter the presence of the Christian Coalition's national convention in Atlanta September 11-14. Gil Alexander-Moegerle, a co-founder of the anti-gay group Focus on the Family, will speak out against the group's anti-gay agenda at a press conference September 12 with several members of Georgia clergy. "Gil Alexander-Moegerle's message [and] the presence of the clergy demonstrates that many people of faith in fact oppose the Christian Coalition's divisive rhetoric and harmful results," said Georgia Equality Project (GEP) Executive Director Cindy Abel. In addition to the press conference, people of faith will hold a quiet congregation, march and candlelight vigil to "affirm the values of respect and community while promoting the positive role of spirituality," according to Abel. "Our hope is that dialogue can be established and that [anti-gay] stereotypes can be debunked. At a time when communities are being torn apart, we cannot allow fear and false information to further divide us. We must come together and learn to live together." For more information contact Cindy Abel (GEP) at (404) 872-3600 or pgr. (888) 619-8759. NEW REPORT EXPOSES RADICAL RELIGIOUS ASSAULT ON SCHOOLS: According to "A Right Wing and a Prayer," the People for the American Way's (PFAW) new comprehensive report, "Religious Right political groups are waging a long and bitter battle against public education, in part so they may redirect substantial public funds into an industry of private sectarian schools that serves a core constituency of the right and to use [the] public education system to impose a set of beliefs and ideas on America's next generation." Central to those beliefs, the report says, are attacks on lesbians, gay men and a diversity of views on sexual orientation. "The goal is to limit--according to the Right's beliefs--what students read, see, discuss and think," the report says. Radical religious groups use "stealth" tactics and alarmist language about "the homosexual lifestyle/agenda," "often to describe perfectly ordinary materials or basic education reforms." Finally, the report provides strategies for countering the hate. For more information contact Delisa Saunders (PFAW) at (202) 467-4999. PARAMOUNT'S KINGS ISLAND GAY DAY: On September 19, Paramount's Ohio amusement park Kings Island will hold an event to benefit the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Greater Cincinnati (GLCC). For the past 13 years, an unofficial "gay day" event much like those at Disney World and other theme parks around the country has been held at Kings Island. Formalizing the event "represents an excellent opportunity for members of the regional gay and lesbian community to enjoy an evening in the park while raising money to support the Community Center's programs," according to Eric Hunter of GLCC. While some radical religious groups have attacked the park for allowing the event, Kings Island spokesperson Lauren Green-Caldwell said, "We offer our facilities to groups in an equal manner." Hunter added, "It's the same opportunity they offer Procter & Gamble or anybody else." For more information contact Eric Hunter (GLCC) at (513) 784-0818. LOVE TAKES ACTION AT PFLAG CONFERENCE: On September 11-14, hundreds of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) members will converge in Orlando, Florida for "Love Takes Action," its 16th annual conference. In addition to workshops on community organizing, computer and technology training, caucuses will discuss regional issues as well as religion, youth and education. For more information contact Janice Hughes (PFLAG) at (202) 638-4200. GLAADALERT A-GLO: On September 8, GLAAD launched a special weekly radio show on the highly popular GLORadio, the Internet's first radio network dedicated to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Each Monday, a RealAudio presentation highlighting GLAAD's weekly activation tool GLAADAlert will be broadcast from GLORadio. "GLAAD is thrilled to be a part of GLORadio's vital programming and to have the opportunity to bring our activism to a whole new audience," said GLAAD Interactive Media Director Loren Javier. To listen to the program, tune into For more information, contact Loren Javier (GLAAD) at (415) 861-2244 or via e-mail at OUT AND PROUD ON THE INTERNET: On September 9 the City of West Hollywood and the West Hollywood Lesbian and Gay Advisory Council will present "Out and Proud On The Internet: Acting Up From Home and Making a Difference On-Line." The town hall will discuss utilizing the Internet as a grassroots organizing tool, the advantages of online communication in political action, and will feature GLAAD's Interactive Media Director Loren Javier, Geo Cities CEO David Bohnett, producer Helen Mendoza, The Body President James Marks and Spare Parts representative Julia Salazar. For more information, contact Nancy Cohen at 310.659.6407, or The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is the only national lesbian & gay multimedia watchdog organization. GLAAD promotes fair, accurate, and inclusive representation as a means of challenging discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity. To subscribe contact Don Romesburg at (415) 861-2244 or at "GLAAD" and "Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation" are trademarks of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Inc.