Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 13:33:34 -0400 From: ((GLAAD) Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) Subject: GLAADLines FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 14, 1997 GLAADLINES contact: Don Romesburg (415) 861-2244 News, Tips and Breaking Stories about the Gay & Lesbian Community BIRMINGHAM CITIZENS SAY "I WANT MY ELLEN TV": After their local ABC affiliate, ABC 33/40, said they will refuse to air the history-making April 30 episode of Ellen, claiming it is "not appropriate for family viewing," Birmingham Pride Alabama is working with GLAAD to ensure that lesbians, gay men and their families and friends get the chance to see the show. While the initial venue backed out, local lesbians and gay men have found a new location for the event: the Boutwell Auditorium, which plans to present a direct-link satellite feed of Ellen. "I want my remote control back," said Kevin Snow, BPA's entertainment chair. Tickets (a $5.00 donation) go on sale Thursday morning. "This is my home...they can't take away our First Amendment rights." According to Chastity Bono, GLAAD entertainment media director, "The courage and determination of Alabama lesbians, gay men and their friends and family to be a part of television history is overwhelming. GLAAD is proud to support their tireless efforts." For more information, contact Alan Klein (GLAAD Communications Director) at (212)807-1700 or call Kevin Snow (BPA) at (205)925-4935. Ticketlink: (800) 277-1700. NAIL-BITING WEEK FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: After Hawaii state lawmakers missed their self-imposed April 11 deadline to approve a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, politicians are pushing for agreement by the end of this week. Both the House and Senate agree that such a constitutional amendment should happen, but the Senate is seeking to ensure some rights, including health benefits and hospital access for same-sex partners. If the April 18 deadline passes for a compromise, both bodies have indicated it would have to wait until next year's legislative session. Tracey Bennett, a lobbyist for the pro-same-sex marriage Marriage Project Hawai'i, feels that passage is eminent despite it's being counter to equal rights. "If people want to preserve the family," she said, "they should work to end domestic violence and drug abuse, go after deadbeat dads and solve the crime problem-go after some real family problems." Meanwhile, advocates of same-sex marriage are holding an Equal Rights Weekend on April 18 and 19. In addition to last-ditch lobbying of politicians, gay and gay-friendly people will hold a rally in Ala Moana Park. For more information contact Tom Ramsey (Marriage Project Hawai'i) at (808) 944-6742 or e-mail YOUTH PRIDE DAY IN NATION'S CAPITOL: On April 19, hundreds of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth and their families and friends will gather in at Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C. for the region's first-ever Youth Pride Day. Activities throughout the day will include speakers, including National Figure Skating Champion Rudy Galindo, activist and author Torie Osborn and transgender activist Jessica Xavier. Entertainment will include a number of area bands and performers. "If we can reach one person on this day and give him or her hope for a better future, then we'll have accomplished what we set out to do," said Christopher Dyer, Youth Pride Alliance co-chair. "That's what this day is all about." Youth Pride Alliance is a coalition of individuals and organizations interested in promoting youth pride in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and bringing issues affecting these youth to the attention of the greater community. For more information Chris Dyer at (202) 518-0631 or e-mail GREENVILLE GAY PEOPLE KICK OFF PRIDE SEASON: In the nation's first Pride march of 1997, more than 5,000 people are expected to attend Created Equal: Greenville (South Carolina) Gay Pride Weekend, April 18-20. In addition to a host of performances, an AIDS vigil and a march and pride rally, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people and their families and friends will hear speakers, including openly gay former advisor to President Clinton David Mixner and activist Mandy Carter. "The pride march is an attempt to educate the general public that we are not the stereotypes that our opponents would have them believe," said organizer Roger Bell. "We are just citizens in the community who have jobs like they do and have families and go to church and go shopping." For more information contact the Upstate Gay and Lesbian Switchboard at (864-422-1645) or the Pride Weekend Web site at GLAAD SEARCHES FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: GLAAD, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, is seeking an executive director to direct operations. Requirements: strong managerial and budgetary skills, extensive knowledge of media industries and related lesbian, gay and bisexual issues, successful fundraising efforts, solid communication skills, understanding of non-profits and board of directors structure. GLAAD is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity. Send 3 copies of resume and cover letter including names of 5 references to: GLAAD Search Committee, P.O. Box M, Boulder, CO 80306-1471. To report events that merit media coverage, or news stories breaking in your area, please contact us. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is the nation's lesbian & gay news bureau and the only national lesbian & gay multimedia watchdog organization. GLAAD promotes fair, accurate, and inclusive representation as a means of challenging discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity. To subscribe contact Don Romesburg at (415) 861-2244 or at "GLAAD" and "Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation" are trademarks of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Inc.