Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 09:09:38 -0400 (EDT) Subject: ACTION ALERT: Demand a Real Apology from the Duke Submitted by: GLAAD/San Diego condemns Duke's sorry excuse for an apology for his anti-gay slur Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham of San Diego joined the ranks of Republicans who have out of the closet by by publicly revealing their homophobia On May 11, while speaking on the House floor against an amendment to the Clean Water Act that would have applied the law to military bases, Cunningham stated that those who favoring the proposal are "the same ones who would put homos in the military." Cunningham initially refused when asked by his colleagues to apologize for the anti-gay slur, but following a nationwide public uproar, Cunningham issued a so-called "apology," claiming that he didn't realize that use of the epithet "homo" was offensive. "I'm a heterosexual and I don't mind if people call me hetero," he said. "Part of my problem is I've never had any gay friends, never known any." In a further irrational rationalization, he claimed that he often shortened words, a habit he learned in the military. "To me, using that short term was not wrong. But if [italics added] it is offensive, then I apologize and I will not use it again," he told reporters at a news conference organized by the Human Rights Campaign Fund to condemn his remarks. Accompanied by the justification that the presence of lesbians and gays in the military "degrades the national security" Cunningham's lame apology adds insult to injury. His statement insults the memory of thousands of lesbians and gays who have died for their country, and many more who have served their country with great distinction. Bigotry in the military harms troop morale and undermines unit cohesion. Cunningham's morning-after "apology" reinforces the impression of either blatant dishonesty, in denying that he knew the term "homo" was derogatory, or incredible stupidity, in admitting that he did not know the term would be found offensive. Cunningham told the San Diego Union-Tribune that most of the calls to his office have been supportive of his views. If you'd like to let the Congressman know whether or not you find his apology acceptable, contact him at 227 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. His DC office number is (202) 225-5452 and his fax is (202) 225-2558. The telephone number for his district office in Escondido is (619) 737-8438, Fax (619) 737-9132. Cunningham's excuse is reminiscent of the explanation given by House Majority Leader Dick Armey, the Texas Republican who referred to openly Congressman Barney Frank as "Barney Fag" in a radio interview. Armey claimed that he had simply mispronounced Frank's last name. It seems that Republican Representatives are taking their cues from House Speaker Newt Gingrich who last month accused lesbian and gay teachers of recruitment and said that employers should "absolutely" be permitted to fire employees simply because they are gay or lesbian. In response to Duke's bigotry, GLAAD/San Diego organized a protest demonstration at the Bahia Hotel on May 13 where Cunningham addressed a breakfast meeting of the California Federation of Republican Women. At the breakfast, he repeated his assertion that he didn't know any better.