Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 15:07:27 -0700 From: Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Subject: GLAAD DISTURBED BY GAINESVILLE TIMES' ANNOUNCEMENT TO NO LONGER PRINT GAY AND LESBIAN NEWSPAPER. MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jennifer Einhorn, Director of Communications Phone: (212) 807-1700 ext.14 Pager: (888) 656-9045 E-mail: GLAAD DISTURBED BY GAINESVILLE TIMES' ANNOUNCEMENT TO NO LONGER PRINT GAY AND LESBIAN NEWSPAPER. MEDIA ADVOCACY GROUP CALLS FOR CLARITY AROUND TIMES' DECISION TO DROP SOUTHERN VOICE NEW YORK, NY, MAY 23, 1998---The Gainesville (GA) Times announced earlier this week that, effective June 1, it would no longer print Atlanta's lesbian and gay newspaper, Southern Voice. The Times, a Gannett-owned paper whose commercial printing company, Southland Publishing, also prints USA Today for Northeastern Georgia, began printing Southern Voice in late April. Almost immediately, The Times was targeted by religious political extremists who urged readers and sponsors to cancel their subscriptions and advertisements. The Times issued a two paragraph statement announcing their decision, a portion of which reads: "Southland Publishing remains committed to be non-discriminatory in our business practices and printing operations. We will continue to work with any group...regardless of its religious, racial or lifestyle affiliations, provided the organization and its needs are legal and within the bounds of accepted business and printing practices. Recent operational and press scheduling conflicts have made it necessary for us to reevaluate our commercial printing commitments...." Joan M. Garry, GLAAD Executive Director, said, "The very wording of this statement causes us great concern. It is a vague and indirect response to a very serious and potentially precedent-setting matter. We find it unacceptable that The Times will not specifically address their decision to no longer print this lesbian and gay newspaper." On Thursday, May 21, GLAAD Communications Director Jennifer H. Einhorn spoke at length with Chris Jenson, President and Publisher of The Times. "GLAAD wanted to determine that as a matter of course, The Times would now turn away any newspapers--regardless of their content or readership--which requested the same time slot and print volume as Southern Voice. We were then directed toward The Times' statement." Garry continued, "GLAAD hopes that all businesses will stand firm in the face of fear and intolerance. This was a perfect opportunity for The Times to demonstrate such resolve. As we await a more thoughtful response from them, we hope that they recognize this too." -30- GLAAD is the nation's lesbian and gay media advocacy organization. GLAAD promotes fair, accurate and inclusive representation as a means of challenging discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) TO REPORT DEFAMATION IN THE MEDIA - Call GLAAD's Alertline at 1.800.GAY.MEDIA or go to the GLAAD Web Site at and report through our Alertline Online. TO JOIN GLAAD AND RECEIVE GLAAD's DISPATCH AND QUARTERLY IMAGES MAGAZINE, call 1.800.GAY.MEDIA or join on the Web today at TO SUBSCRIBE TO GLAAD-Net, GLAAD's electronic mailing list, send e-mail to with the message "Subscribe GLAAD-Net" TO UNSUBSCRIBE, send e-mail to with the message "Unsubscribe GLAAD-Net" GLAAD is a national organization that promotes fair, accurate and inclusive representation as a means of challenging discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "GLAAD" and "Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation" are registered trademarks of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Inc.