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action needed, 01/18/96: (5.2K)
antimarriage bill update, 01/27/96: (3.5K)
barry wick testimony on marriage, 01/24/96: (9Kb)
committee slapped for opposing hate, 01/31/96: (2.5K)
condemns chadron homophobia, 12/04/96: (3.3K)
condems antimarriage bill, 01/17/96: (2.7K)
first annual meeting, 09/21/96: (5.9K)
funds for womens shelters threatened, 03/08/96: (3.1K)
house legislators contact list, 01/05/96: (19K)
launches webpage, 10/14/96: (1.3K)
marriage bill in senate hearing, 02/12/96: (3.7K)
ncod in sd, 10/09/96: (3.2K)
new antigay legislation, 01/05/96: (5.1K)
new email contact, 06/07/96: (767 bytes)
newsletter, 02/28/96: (50K)
newsletter, 05/96: (31K, 4/24/1996)
on hawaii ruling, 12/03/96: (4.1K)
on paras departure, 09/30/96: (12K)
reps deserve thanks, 02/01/96: (2.2K)
sd senate listing, 01/08/96: (12K)
senate judiciary to hear hb1143, 02/01/96: (2.1K)
senate smokes out marriage bill, 02/13/96: (913 bytes)
sen committee defers marriage bill, 02/12/96: (2.1K)
shelter funding approved, 03/12/96: (2.8K)
tv says gov will sign marriage bill, 02/16/96: (1Kb)
update, 01/29/96: (1.6K)
update antimarriage bill, 01/30/96: (1.1K)

.up. to top of page.