TALKING POINTS: UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE * Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) prohibits consensual "unnatural carnal copulation" between members of the opposite or same sex. * Under the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), the President has defined "unnatural carnal copulation" to include oral and anal sex between members of the opposite or same sex. * Modern studies show that between 90-93% of American heterosexual couples engage in oral sex and that a high percentage of both men and women engage in forms of anal stimulation. * If the current regulations were enforced as written, the vast majority of servicemembers would be subject to prosecution and could face discharge, lost pay and allowances and up to five years confinement. * In reality, Article 125 is not uniformly enforced. In general, Article 125 has been used to prosecute nonconsensual heterosexual sodomy, or heterosexual sodomy with other aggravating circumstances (e.g., with a minor), while the Article has been used to prosecute consensual homosexual sodomy. * Repeal of the gay ban will not require any change or revision of either the UCMJ or the MCM. * The military's enforcement of Article 125, however, must be modified so that the provision is evenly applied to all violations. The military can use the approach it has used over the years with regard to heterosexual sodomy: i.e., prosecutors essentially choose not to pursue most cases of consensual oral or anal sex, when no aggravating circumstances are present.