THE CAMPAIGN FOR MILITARY SERVICE ***** ACTION * ALERT ***** MARCH ON WASHINGTON WEEKEND MORE EVENTS OF INTEREST TO VETERANS AND THEIR FRIENDS GAY, LESBIAN AND BISEXUAL VETERANS OF AMERICA (GLBVA) (in addition to the events already announced) Please, please, PLEASE! pass this information to any vets you know who might not otherwise know about these gatherings! FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 7:30 PM TO WHENEVER.... ---------------------------------------- Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Veterans Encampment CAPITOL KOA CAMPGROUNDS, VETERANS HIGHWAY, MILLERSVILLE, MD. The campgrounds are being used as an informal gathering place for active, reserve and veteran service members, inviting everyone to drop by and share a social evening with those who are camping there. IF YOU NEED TRANSPORTATION FOR THIS EVENT BE AT WASHINGTON UNION STATION AT 6:00PM SHARP!!!! WHERE A VOLUNTEER CONVOY WILL PICK YOU UP. TRIPS BACK WILL BE NEGOTIATED AT THE CAMP GROUNDS. SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 11:00 AM TO 12:30 PM ---------------------------------------- Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Veterans of America (GLBVA) Social, Networking, Informational, and Recruiting Gathering WEST BALLROOM, WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL 1919 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W. (Connecticut and T Streets) During this gathering the formal national meeting of GLBVA for members only will take place. Membership will be available on site. Representatives from the Campaign for Military Service, HRCF, and NGLTF will be present. SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1:30 PM --------------------------- Memorial Service and Tribute to Gay Leaders and People of Color CONGRESSIONAL CEMETERY, 1801 E STREET, S.E. Ceremonies honoring Leonard Matlovich and Harvey Milk and a program to honor people of color and women within our movement. GAY AND LESBIAN VETERANS OF MARYLAND, Baltimore's GLBVA Chapter, will present the National Colors. For more information on these or other CMS events, contact us at the Grassroots office listed below. *********************************************************** THE CAMPAIGN FOR MILITARY SERVICE Main Office: 2027 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036 202-265-6666 New Grassroots Office: 2026 P Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036 202-785-8012 *********************************************************** FIGHT BACK WITH TECHNOLOGY! LIFT THE BAN! LIFT THE PHONE! *********************************************************** We encourage you to send contributions large or small to us here at the Grassroots Office. Your support is critical as we work to build a broad-based coalition. Please indicate somewhere on your check, or on an enclosure, that you heard about us on your computer. Help us fight to lift the ban!