Dear net-friends and all who support lifing the ban: Following this post will be several more about the Campaign for Military Service, the coalition group which has been formed to secure Congressional and public support for President Clinton's proposal to issue an Executive Order to lift the ban against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in the U.S. military. This is not *another* group, this is now *the* (coordinated) effort. As you can see from the information below, grassroots organizing is one of the main components of the campaign. Please propagate these posts to whatever local/regional newsgroups you feel are appropriate, and send me an e-mail telling me where else you posted them so I can keep records. I'm eager to hear from people who want to participate, especially as net.point-people and as op-ed/letters to the editor writers around the country. Please note the list of cities that the bus tour will be going to -- the list is in another post -- especially the smaller places like Fargo, ND and Greenville, MS (etc.). This is not just a glb effort; CMS has been endorsed by, and is receiving active support from many religious and civil liberties groups. Your contacts at churches and synagogues and in progressive organizations nationwide are tremendously valuable to this campaign. Please encourage *everyone* to get involved. Thanks! Miriam Jaffe (temporary; real account pending) Oh, BTW, I don't know how their fundraising is being done, but I'm sure they wouldn't turn down any money you'd like to send. Like HRCF, etc., CMS is a lobbying group, so contributions aren't tax deductible. Style/grammar theirs; typos mine. ******************************************************** THE CAMPAIGN FOR MILITARY SERVICE 2027 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Representatives from Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Veterans of America, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the Human Rights Campaign Fund, People for the American Way, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum, and the National Organization for Women. OVERVIEW The Campaign for Military Service (CMS) is a short-term, broad-based coalition which will utilize a political campaign model to achieve its objective. The campaign will consist of four components: 1) Legislative/Lobbying 2) Legal/Policy 3) Public relations/Media 4) Grassroots organizing LEGISLATIVE/LOBBYING will conduct a rigorous and effective day to day lobbying operation on Capitol Hill, including direct interaction with members of Congress and their staff. This component will support the development of fair and substantial hearings by the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. LEGAL/POLICY will develop the legal and policy analysis necessary to support the appropriateness of lifting the military's ban and refute arguments presented by the opposition. This component will work with Congress and the Department of Defense to develop an effective Executive Order and implementation regulations. PUBLIC RELATIONS/MEDIA will coordinate a campaign-style press relations operation targeted towards Washington-based national media and local media markets throughout the country. This component will supervise polling/research functions and operate a rapid response unit. National and regional polls will be conducted, as well as message development through focus groups in targeted areas. Paid advertising will also be issued in specific areas. This component will also coordinate a 5-week, 30-city media bus tour of gay and lesbian veterans. GRASS ROOTS ORGANIZING will coordinate and expand the core base of supporters and constituents nationwide in an attempt to educate, motivate, and activate the general population. This work, to be divided into four regions of the country, will be a coordinated effort with both a targeted and systematic field plan which will reach numerous organizations, associations, and groups. BIOs of CMS Staff deleted to save space, available upon request.