TALKING POINTS: CURRENT STATUS OF LIFTING THE BAN * The announcement by Representative Barney Frank, proposing an implementation for lifting the ban on gays and lesbians in the military, effectively shifted this debate to how the ban on gay and lesbian servicemembers can be successfully lifted in the current political climate. * While the Frank proposal of "on base, on duty, in uniform" has yet to take specific shape, it is a policy framework that is far more acceptable than Sam Nunn's rigid position of "don't ask, don't tell." * Under no circumstance is discrimination based on personal bias -- or a policy that countenances such discrimination -- acceptable to the gay and lesbian community and civil rights advocates. Frank's proposal narrows the application of appropriate codes of military conduct to "on base, on duty, in uniform." Lifting the ban must be the policy. An implementation plan using the Frank framework of "on base, on duty, in uniform," is an acceptable beginning to a dialogue on standards of sexual conduct for all military personnel. * The Campaign for Military Service is presenting recommendations for successfully lifting the ban to Pentagon officials and Congressional leaders. It is the position of our broad-based coalition to stop discrimination and implement a policy that fairly and equitably treats all military personnel, gay and straight. Under no circumstance will we accept a policy that forces any person to hide or lie about his or her sexual orientation. * This debate has shifted, and serious discussions regarding an implementation policy for lifting the ban should continue in Congress and within the Pentagon. Members of Congress are urged to adopt the CMS position as a standard for acceptable implementation. * Any position that CMS might support must be based on two principles: non-discrimination, and codes of sexual conduct (for gay and straight servicemembers) that are fairly and equally applied. Employing the Frank framework, we believe it may be possible to achieve a fair and equitable solution. * * * * Prepared by the Legal/Policy Department of the Campaign for Military Service. 2707 Massachussetts Ave, NW Washington, DC 20009. (202) 265-6666.