CAMPAIGN FOR MILITARY SERVICE ACTION ALERT MARCH 31, 1993 The second day of the Senate hearings on lifting the ban against lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals is now in progress. The members of the Senate Armed Services Committee need to hear from us! It is very important that the following offices receive calls requesting that the ban be lifted: Sen. Exon (NE) 202-224-4224 Sen. Glenn (OH) 202-224-3353 Sen. Robb (VA) 202-224-4024 Sen. Nunn (GA) 202-224-3871 (chairman) Sen. Lieberman (CT) 202-224-4041 Sen. Cohen (ME) 202-224-2523 (suggested comment: Thank you very much for your thoughtful questions last Monday. We look forward to receiving your support for lifting the ban.) Sen. Warner (VA) 202-224-2023 (former chairman of ASC) Sen. Spector (PA) 202-224-4254 (leader of swing votes) The last two, Warner and Spector, have not previously been designated as targets. Please make your calls to as many of these people as possible. After you call, please send us an email telling us which Senators heard from you. Thank you for your help in this important effort! REPOST THIS MESSAGE TO EVERY APPROPRIATE GROUP! ********************************************************** THE CAMPAIGN FOR MILITARY SERVICE 2027 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-265-6666 FIGHT BACK WITH TECHNOLOGY! LIFT THE BAN! LIFT THE PHONE! Email to to tell them that you have called the Senators. CAMPAIGN FOR MILITARY SERVICE needs to realise how the Internet can be used to contact activists.