U R G E N T *** U R G E N T *** U R G E N T LIFT THE BAN ON LESBIANS, GAY MEN AND BISEXUALS IN THE MILITARY LIFT THE PHONE!!! Right now, the phone calls against lifting the ban are flooding the Congress by an overwhelming margin, organized by people like Oliver North, Rush Limbaugh, Gary Bauer and Lou Sheldon. By lifting the phone, you can help lift the ban. THE CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS ARE STARTING ON MARCH 29TH. NOW, MORE THAN EVER, YOUR CALLS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED! You *can* right the balance. Call your Congressperson and your Senators now. Add to the impact by putting your opinion in writing. ***************************************************************** All phone numbers are area code 202 SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE TARGET LIST The suggested address style is: The Honorable _________________ United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator __________________ Senator Office Address Phone Fax ------- -------------- ----- --- Senate Armed Sevices Committee Office 224-3871 Chairman: Sam Nunn (GA) 303 Dirksen Office Bldg 224-3521 224-0072 Joseph Lieberman (CT) 316 Hart Office Bldg 224-4041 224-9750 Bob Graham (FL) 524 Hart " " 224-3041 224-2237 Edward Kennedy (MA) 315 Russell " " 224-4543 224-3533 William Cohen (ME) 322 Hart " " 224-2523 224-2693 Carl Levin (MI) 459 Russell " " 224-6221 224-1388 James Exon (NE) 528 Hart " " 224-4224 no fax Jeff Bingaman (NM) 110 Hart " " 224-5521 no fax John Glenn (OH) 503 Hart " " 224-3353 224-7983 Charles Robb (VA) 493 Russell " " 224-4024 224-8689 Robert Byrd (WV) 311 Hart " " 224-3954 224-4025 HOUSE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE TARGET LIST The suggested address style is: The Honorable _________________ United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Representative ___________ Representative Office Address Phone Fax -------------- -------------- ----- --- House Armed Services Committee Office 225-4151 Chairman: Ronald V Dellums (CA) 2108 Rayburn O.B. 225-2661 225-9817 Glen Browder (AL) 1221 Longworth O.B. 225-3261 225-9020 Terry Everett (AL) 208 Cannon O.B. 225-2901 225-8913 Bob Stump (AZ) 211 Cannon O.B. 225-4576 225-6328 Jane Harman (CA) 325 Cannon O.B. 225-8220 226-0684 Patricia Schroeder (CO) 2208 Rayburn O.B. 225-4431 225-5842 Neil Abercrombie (HI) 1440 Longworth O.B. 225-2726 225-4580 Lane Evans (IL) 2335 Rayburn O.B. 225-5905 225-5396 Frank McCloskey (IN) 306 Cannon O.B. 225-4636 225-4688 Martin T Meehan (MA) 1223 Longworth O.B. 225-3411 226-0771 Peter G Torkildsen (MA) 120 Cannon O.B. 225-8020 225-8037 Thomas H Andrews (ME) 1530 Longworth O.B. 225-6116 225-9065 Bart Stupak (MN) 317 Cannon O.B. 225-4735 225-4744 Gene Taylor (MS) 215 Cannon O.B. 225-5772 225-7074 Jim Saxton (NJ) 438 Cannon O.B. 225-4765 225-0778 George J Hochbrueckner (NY) 229 Cannon O.B. 225-3826 225-0776 John M McHugh (NY) 416 Cannon O.B. 225-4611 no fax James H Bilbray (NV) 2431 Rayburn O.B. 225-5965 225-8808 John R Kasich (OH) 1131 Longworth O.B. 225-5355 no fax David Mann (OH) 503 Cannon O.B. 225-2216 225-4732 James M Inhofe (OK) 442 Cannon O.B. 225-2211 225-9187 Dave McCurdy (OK) 2344 Rayburn O.B. 225-6165 225-9746 Elizabeth Furse (OR) 316 Cannon O.B. 225-0855 225-9497 Tim Holden (PA) 1420 Longworth O.B. 225-5546 226-0996 Paul McHale (PA) 511 Cannon O.B. 225-6411 225-5320 Ronald K Machtley (RI) 326 Cannon O.B. 225-4911 225-4417 Arthur Ravenel, Jr (SC) 231 Cannon O.B. 225-3176 225-4340 Floyd Spence (SC) 2405 Rayburn O.B. 225-2452 225-2455 John M Spratt (SC) 1536 Longworth O.B. 225-5501 225-0464 John S Tanner (TN) 1427 Longworth O.B. 225-4714 225-1765 Solomon P Ortiz (TX) 2136 Rayburn O.B. 225-7742 226-1134 Frank Tejeda (TX) 323 Cannon O.B. 225-1640 225-1641 James V Hansen (UT) 2466 Rayburn O.B. 225-0453 225-5857 Owen B Pickett (VA) 2430 Rayburn O.B. 225-4215 225-4218 Norman Sisisky (VA) 2352 Rayburn O.B. 225-6365 226-1170 Robert A Underwood (GUAM) 507 Cannon O.B. 225-1188 226-0341 It is critical that the people above hear from all of us, especially those of us in the appropriate states/districts, as soon as possible. All other Senate/House addresses/phone numbers are available from from QRD (the Queer Resources Directory) in the /pub/QRD/qrd/info/GOVT/congress-103 file, on nifty.andrew.cmu.edu ( Ron Buckmire at buckmr@rpi.edu will also mail you a copy if you send him email. ***************************************************************** PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ALSO DO THE FOLLOWING: 1. After you register your opinion on the Hill, please send an email to us saying "I called the Hill" or whatever -- we're trying to evaluate the strength of the email action network and your feedback is critical! 2. Repost this message, including this appeal, to every lesbian/gay/bi/gay-friendly/progressive mailing list and BBS to which you have access. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ***************************************************************** FIGHT BACK WITH TECHNOLOGY! LIFT THE MILITARY BAN! THE CAMPAIGN FOR MILITARY SERVICE WASHINGTON, DC lift-the-ban@access.digex.com