Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 08:07:17 -0500 From: Subject: Bisexual Resource List (monthly posting) Bisexual Resource List BISEXUAL RESOURCE LIST This is a compilation of resources useful to bisexual and bifriendly people. Look for items that are NEW> marked as new FidoNet (ICGAL and GAYNEWS);Queer Resource Directory (QRD) in the USA which is mirrored in New Zelandin HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format 1994 Aug 4-6 12th UK National Bisexual Conference. Email: . January, 1994 . International NEW> Queer Planet International G/L/B email list for organizers. To subscribe, send mail to with one line of text: "subscribe queerplanet" in the body (the Subject: line is ignored). Bisexual Resource Center Publishes the International Directory of Bisexual Groupsand pamphlets on bisexuality and related issues; maintains an archive of bisexual information from around the world. Queensland Bisexual Network Address: QBN (Brisbane), P.O. Box 490, Lutwyche, Queensland 4030, Australia. Contact: Wayne (07)857-2774. SMU Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Student Organization 3116 Fondren, Dallas Texas 75275, USA. Phone: 214-768-4792. Email: David Quantic (co-president) -- . Support group for bisexuals, gays, and lesbians at Southern Methodist University. Meets Thursdays at 5pm at the Human Resource / Women Center. Speakers on various topics every other meeting. Active at city and state level in GLB issues. Hosted Coalition of Gay and Lesbian Student Groups conference in September 1993. Novyj forum dlja RUSSKOJAZYCHNYH LES, BI i GEJev: Dlja vkljuchenia v list ili chtoby uznat' o nem podrobnee, pishite (ne objazatel'no po-russki :) na adres: . Avtomaticheskogo listservera poka net, tak chto vozmozhna zaderzhka podpiski na 2-3 dnja. Vy poluchite izveshchenie o vkljuchenii v list. Dobro pozhalovat'! Gala. For English readers: A new LES-BI-GAY-oriented mailing list for RUSSIAN speakers on the net. To get more info and/or to get subscribed let you send a letter to the address: . You should concisely introduce yourself to get subscribed. You will get a notice when you will be put on the list (this is not automated yet, so 2-3 day delay may occur). You are welcome for friendly conversation (_Primarily_in_Russian_!) Guide to Internet Resources for Women Available from 2 sources: Telnet or Gopher to INFORM.UMD.EDU to do this type "telnet" or "gopher" Use either the arrow keys or number keys to select: Educational Resources / Women's Studies / Computing / Guides to the Internet / guide by hunt Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides at the University of Michigan: Gopher: Minnesota's list of Gophers / University of Michigan / Library Resources / New and Featured on the Internet / Clearinghouse of Subject- Oriented Internet Resource Guides / Guides on the Social Sciences / Women's Studies Guide Anonymous FTP: Host: Path: inetdirsstacks File: women:hunt FTP to Login as "anynomous", and use your e-mail address as a password. Type "cd inetdirsstacks" to reach the proper directory. The commands "ls" and "dir" will display a list of files in the directory. Use the command "get women:hunt" to download the file onto your account. End with "bye". "Michael Beer" "Julie Waters" Fight the Right Contacts CONTACTS TO FIGHT AGAINST ANTI-LGB INITIATIVES US/National Scot Nakagawa, Fight the Right Coordinator/NGLTF, 522 S.W. 5th Avenue, #1375, Portland, OR 97204. Phone: (503) 221-0115. Fax: (503) 228-1965. US/California Task Force To Oppose the California Anti-Gay Ballot Initiative, c/o Mike Hudson of People for the American Way, 330 Washington Blvd. Suite 703, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Phone: 310-823-2860. US/Florida Floridians Respect Everyone's Equality, 317 1/2 Park Ave., Tallahasse, FL 32301. Phone: 904-561-6336. Human Rights Task Force 1222 S. Dale Mabry, #652, Tampa, FL 33629. Phone: 813-273-8769. US/Idaho Idaho for Human Dignity, P.O. Box 797, Boise, ID 83701. Phone: 208-336-5160. US/Maine Equal Protection Lewiston, P.O. Box 7804. Lewiston, ME 04243-7804. Phone: 207-784-5818. US/Michigan Michigan Organization for Human Rights, P.O. Box 2738, Lansing, MI 48909. Phone: 517-887-2605. US/Oregon Support Our Communities Political Action Committee. Phone: Debra Betron 503-287-9370. Rural Organizing Project PO Box 919, Scappoose, OR 97056. Phone: (503) 543-3978. Ask about getting in touch with the nearest Human Dignity Coalition group, there are fifty-two throughout rural Oregon. US/Tennessee Social Justice Committee, James Talent, c/o MCC/Knoxville, P.O. Box 2343, Knoxville, TN 37901. Phone: 615-521-6546. US/Washington Washington Citizens for Fairness, P.O. Box 4828, Seattle, WA 98102. Phone: 206-233-1932. Bi/Queer Product Source List BI/QUEER PRODUCT SOURCE LIST Buys For Bi's 1559 Rockville Pike Suite 213, Rockville Maryland 20852, USA. Buttons and T-shirts. Write for catalog. Like A Diva 312-227-2588. Call for catalog. Lambda Rising 800-621-6969, 1625 Connecticut Ave. NW, District of Columbia 20009, USA. Books, records, tapes, buttons, etc. Mailing list for extensive book catalog (quarterly?). Don't Panic Designs 11264 Playa Ct., Culver City California 90230, USA. Phone: 310-815-0280, 800-457-PANIC. Made In Gay America (MIGA) catalog. Phone: 1-800-USA-GAYS. Shocking Gray San Antonio, Texas, USA. Phone: 800-555-1212. They have great stuff, good prices and deserve our support. A Different Light on Hudson Street in Manhattan, NYC (Info in 212 Area Code) Liberty Books Austin, Texas, USA. Phone: 800-828-1279. Cardpack Subscriptions Box 330, 70-A Greenwich Avenue, New York, NY 10011. Specify your request for either the Community Cardpack (men) or Sapphile (women). Christopher Street West Association sells a number of Gay-oriented items through the mail. Credit cards accepted; for a free merchandise catalog, call 213-656-6553. Gay, Lesbian and Bi Merchandise Catalog. Catalog Request, Dan Kaufman Graphics, Dept. X, PO Box 4901, Washington, DC 20008. Phone: (202) I'M OUT-RU? [466-. Fax: (202) 466-8879. E-mail: Bisexual Resource Center Has an Order Form for buttons and T-shirts (and bisexual literature). Also check out the back pages and ads in Genre, OUT, Advocate andother related magazines, often found even in MAINSTREAM bookstores, like Barnes & Noble, WaldenBooks, BookStop and others. For the Blind FOR THE BLIND Publications of the Bisexual Resource Center are available free to vision-impaired people in either the regular, printed form or on 3.5" IBM-compatible floppy disk. We would like to make our literature available on audio tape, as well. Contact us to volunteer to record literature on audio cassettes for the blind. Pet Projects PET PROJECTS (things we'd like to see happen in Bi communities) Audio tape/braille/large print/email/floppy disk bi literature for people with visual impairments. Eliminating oppression of people in the Bisexual Communities on the excuse of race, age, or disability. Translating bisexual pamphlets into other languages than English. Contact the Bisexual Resource Center to volunteer. Bi Activist Email Addresses BI ACTIVIST EMAIL ADDRESSES (Internet format) Send mail to to be added to this list. Keep in mind: This list may be requested by anyone, from, and is posted monthly to many places. "Aimee L. Tweedie" "Alan Hamilton" 1993 President of the East Coast Bisexual Network, Inc. and co-founder of the Unitarian-Universalist Bisexual Network. Does writing and public speaking, panel discussions and workshops on HIV/AIDS, sexual orientation, bisexuality, oppression theory, and related subjects. Contact for bisexual issues, bisexual literature, or to volunteer time to BRC or UUBN. "Bisexual Resource Center" "Biverse - The Bisexual Association" Biverse is a open political/social/support group based on the principle of freedom of sexuality expression in all forms. Although its address is through Trent university, it is a community based group. "Brett Beemyn" "Darci L. Chapman" "Dave Berry" "Dean Taormina" "Ellen Clary" Email contact for Bi-Friendly, San Francisco, California, USA. "Gerard Palmeri" "Ian Watters" Hon Secretary of the London Bisexual Group, PO Box 3325, London, Great Britain N1 9EQ. "Jill Nagle" "Julie Firman" "Julie Waters" Contact for issues related to HIV/AIDS and issues related to gender and transsexuality. Does public speaking and panel discussions on sexuality and gender. "Kelly Cookson" "Ken Jones" "Laura Arnold" "Louie Crew" "Maria Maso" "Mike Montgomery" A.k.a. "M. S. Montgomery". Reference librarian, bi-bliographer, versifier, essayist, lifepartner, father, lover, friend. Takes reference and bibliographic queries on bi-related subjects. "Malcolm Pon" Co-chair, Education and Outreach, George Mason University GLBSA. Maurice Snellen Secretary of the Dutch National BI-Network ("Vereniging Landelijk Netwerk Biseksualiteit"), e-mail contact-person for this organization, who can also be contacted if you want to subscribe to their newsletter 'BI-Nieuws'. "Ray Schnitzler" "Robyn Ochs" "Ronald Ferguson" "Sharla Clos" "Scott Wells" "Tane' Tachyon" "Ted Hardie" "Tigger" "Tom Limoncelli" "Wayne Bryant" "Will Rowe" An active member of Biverse, the Trent Lesbian and Gay Collective, and a dedicated activist on HIV/AIDS and sexuality issues. "Kay Dekker" "Virginia Fleming" "Woody Cartwright"