777 9 BI 9 SEX- 9 UALITY What is Bisexuality? Bisexuality is the potential to feel sexually attracted to and to engage in sensual or sexual relationships with peo- ple of either sex. A bisexual person may not be equally at- tracted to both sexes, and de- gree of attraction may vary over time. Self-perception is the key to a bisexual identity. Many people engage in sexual ac- tivity with people of both sexes, yet do not identify as bisexual. Likewise, other people enagage in sexual rela- tions only with people of one sex, or do not engage in sexu- al activity at all, yet con- sider themselves bisexual. There is no behavioral ``test'' to determine whether or not one is bisexual. 9 Bisexual Identity 9 Some people believe that a person is born heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual (for instance due to prenatal hor- monal influences), and that their identity is inherent and unchangeable. Others believe that sexual orientation is due to socialization (for example either imitating or rejecting parental models) or conscious choice (for example, choosing lesbianism as part of a polit- ical feminist identity). Oth- ers believe that these factors interact. Because biological, social, and cultural factors are different for each person, everyone's sexuality is highly individual, whether they are bisexual, gay or lesbian, heterosexual, or asexual. The ``value'' placed on a sexual identity should not depend on its cause. Many people assume that bisexuality is just a phase people go through. In fact, any sexual orientation can be a phase. Humans are diverse, and individual sexual feelings and behavior change over time. The creation and consolidation of a sexual identity is an ongoing process. Since we are generally socialized as heterosexuals, bisexuality is a stage that many people ex- perience as part of the pro- cess of acknowledging their homosexuality. Many others come to identify as bisexuals after a considerable period of identification as gay men or 9 lesbians. A recent study by Ron Fox of more than 900 bisexual individuals found that 1/3 had previously iden- tified as lesbian or gay. An orientation that may not be permanent is still valid for the period of time it is ex- perienced. Bisexuality, like homosexuality and heterosex- uality, may be either a tran- sitional step in the process of sexual discovery, or a stable, long-term identity. How Common Is Bisexuality? 9 It is not easy to say how common bisexuality is, since little research has been done on this subject; most studies on sexuality have focused on heterosexuals or homosexuals. Based on research done by Kin- sey in the 1940s and 1950s, as many as 15-25% of women and 33-46% of men may be bisexual based on their activities or attractions. Bisexuals are in many ways a hidden population. In our culture, it is generally as- sumed that a person is either heterosexual (the default as- sumption) or homosexual (based on appearance or behavioral clues). Because bisexuality does not fit into these stan- dard categories, it tends to be denied or ignored. When it is recognized, bisexuality is often viewed as being ``part heterosexual and part homosex- ual,'' rather than being a unique identity. Bisexuality threatens the accepted way of looking at the world by cal- ling into question the validi- ty of rigid sexual categories, and encourages acknowledgment of the existence of a diverse range of sexuality. Since there is not a stereotypical bisexual appearance or way of acting, bisexuals are usually assumed to be either heterosexual or homosexual. In order to increase aware- ness, bisexuals have begun to create their own visible com- munities. 9 Bisexual Relationships 9 Bisexuals, like all people, have a wide variety of rela- tionship styles. Contrary to common myth, a bisexual person does not need to be sexually involved with both a man and a woman simultaneously. In fact, some people who identify as bisexual never engage in sexual activity with one or the other (or either) gender. As is the case for heterosexu- als and gay men and lesbians, attraction does not involve acting on every desire. Like heterosexuals and gay people, many bisexuals choose to be sexually active with one partner only, and have long- term, monogamous relation- ships. Other bisexuals may have open marriages that allow for relationships with same- sex partners, three-way rela- tionships, or a number of partners of the same or oppo- site gender (singly or simul- taneously). It is important to have the freedom to choose the type of sexual and affec- tional relationships that are right for the people involved, whatever their sexual orienta- tion. Bisexuals and AIDS 9 AIDS has had a major effect on the bisexual community. Bisexual men are often scape- goated as the agents of transmission of AIDS from the gay to the heterosexual popu- lation, and bisexual women may be scapegoated as transmitters of AIDS to lesbians. However, it is behavior, rather than sexual orientation, that puts people at risk for acquiring the virus that causes AIDS. Activities that involve the exchange of bodily fluids, notably semen, blood and vagi- nal fluid, are dangerous. Bisexuals, as well as homosex- uals and heterosexuals, must educate themselves about safer sex practices, such as the use of condoms and dental dams. Safer sex guidelines can be obtained from health centers and AIDS education and action groups. Bisexuals are joining with gay people and other af- fected groups in an effort to fight AIDS by calling for an increase in research and edu- cation, better treatments, and an end to discrimination against people with AIDS and those perceived to be at risk for AIDS. Bisexuality and Politics 9 Because bisexuals do not fall within the norms of tradition- al sexuality, they experience many of the same types of discrimination faced by gay men and lesbians. Bisexuals may face discrimination in em- ployment and housing, and may be victims of anti-gay violence. Efforts are under- way in many areas to pass gay and lesbian rights laws; bisexuals must be included 9 under these laws as well. Bisexual parents, especially those with non-traditional living arrangements, are at risk of losing custody of their children, and it is vir- tually impossible for open bisexuals to become foster or adoptive parents. Our society must realize that children need a loving and nurturing home environment, and that the ability to provide this is not determined by sexual orienta- tion. Bisexuals are an increasingly visible presence within a variety of political move- ments. Bisexuals are working with gay men and lesbians on common issues such as foster care, domestic partnership, and AIDS, as well as fighting discrimination against bisexu- als within the gay and lesbian community. Efforts are under- way to promote education and to counter myths and biased portrayals of bisexuals. Many bisexual groups exist for the purposes of support, socializ- ing, and activism, and the number is growing. Bisexuals have the potential to become an important part of the ef- fort to ensure equal rights for all people and to promote an acceptance of sexual diver- sity. Publications of Interest 9_I_n_t_e_r_n_a_t_i_o_n_a_l _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _o_f _B_i_s_e_x_u_a_l _G_r_o_u_p_s. Ochs, Ro- byn. $5.00, East Coast Bisexual Network, PO Box 639, Cambridge, MA 02140. Phone: 617-338-9595. _A_n_y_t_h_i_n_g _t_h_a_t _M_o_v_e_s, published quarterly by the Bay Area Bisexual Network. 2404 Cali- fornia Str. #24, San Fran- cisco, CA 94115. Phone: 415-564-BABN. _B_i-_W_o_m_e_n, newsletter of the Boston Bisexual Women's Net- work. Published bi-monthly. PO Box 639, Cambridge, MA 02140. Phone: 617-338-9595. _N_o_r_t_h _B_i _N_o_r_t_h_w_e_s_t, newsletter of the Seattle Bisexual Women's Network. Published bi-monthly. P.O. Box 30645, Greenwood Station, Seattle, WA 98103-0645. Bisexual Lives, Off Pink Pub- lishing, London, 1988. Bisexuality: A Reader and Source Book, Geller, Thomas (ed). Times Change Press, Ojai, CA, 1990. Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out, Kaahumanu, Lani and Lorraine Hutchins (eds). Alyson Publications, Boston, MA, 1990. Closer To Home: Bisexuality & Feiminism, Weise, Beth (ed). Seal Press, 1992. Two Lives to Lead: Bisexuality in Men and Women, Klein, Fritz and Timothy J. Wolf (eds). Harrington Park Press, New York, 1985. ______________________________ This pamphlet (updated 9 1994/7/23) was prepared by Bi- CEP (the Bisexual Committee Engaging in Politics) and is published by the Bisexual Resource Center. You are wel- come to reproduce and distri- bute it with your group's con- tact information at the bottom of this column. Please send a $10 donation for each flyer that is useful enough to you to reproduce, to support the publication of new literature. For more information and literature, write or call: 777 Bisexual Resource Center (phone 617-338-9595) POB 639, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, USA. ______________________________ Local Contact Information: