Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 10:37:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Response to AIDS Director Announcement THE NATIONAL BLACK LESBIAN AND GAY LEADERSHIP FORUM NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Monique Meadows April 10, 1997 (202) 483-6786 BLACK LESBIAN AND GAY FORUM COMMENTS ON APPOINTMENT OF AIDS POLICY DIRECTOR Washington -- The head of the nation's largest black lesbian and gay organization today responded to President Clinton's decision to appoint Sandra Thurman as the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy. "We are hopeful that this new appointment signals a new energy at the White House to confront HIV/AIDS issues," said Keith Boykin, Executive Director of the National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum. "At a time when African-Americans and Latinos are dying from AIDS at a greater rate than any other community, we must have leadership that is sensitive and accountable to our communities." he added. "We hope and expect that Sandra Thurman will provide that leadership." HIV is now the leading cause of death for Black men between the ages of 25 and 44. And despite the recently reported double-digit decline of the overall AIDS mortality rate, the Black HIV infection rate continues to soar and the Black AIDS mortality rate has remained virtually unchanged. In addition, new reports indicate the proportion of African-Americans with AIDS (41%) has surpassed that of whites with AIDS (38%) for the first time. "To combat this disease, innovative prevention and education strategies targeted to the African-American and Latino communities need to be supported by the Office of National AIDS Policy," said Boykin. "We hope the Office of National AIDS Policy will promote these community-based approaches, and we expect to work with the Administration in achieving that goal." The National Black Lesbian and Gay Leadership Forum is the only national organization dedicated to the nation's two and a half million African-American gays and lesbians. Established in 1988, the Forum works to empower black lesbian and gays by developing their leadership skills, increasing their visibility, and building bridges between various communities. ###