Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 14:46:44 -0500 From: NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Keith Boykin February 21, 1996 (213) 964-7820 (202) 736-3729 HUNDREDS PARTICIPATE IN NINTH ANNUAL NATIONAL BLACK LESBIAN & GAY CONFERENCE Nearly 500 black lesbians, gay men and bisexuals participated in the Ninth Annual National Black Lesbian and Gay Conference in Dallas, Texas last weekend, February 15-18. President Clinton's top AIDS adviser, Patricia Fleming, the National AIDS Policy Director, spoke at the conference. Other keynote speakers included political activist Mandy Carter, who is leading an effort to unseat Sen. Jesse Helms in North Carolina, and health activist Jacquie Bishop of New York. Carter predicted that former Charlotte, North Carolina Mayor Harvey Gant would defeat Jesse Helms in November. Keith Boykin, Executive Director of the Forum, speaking at the awards banquet, told the gathering that the black lesbian and gay community cannot wait for a savior to appear so long as "Pat Buchanan wants to put us in jail and Pat Robertson wants to put us in Hell." Warning that "Congress is poised to eliminate or reduce every major initiative of the Great Society and the New Deal," Boykin exhorted the crowd to see themselves as leaders instead of looking to others for leadership. Bestselling writer E. Lynn Harris read from his new book And This Too Shall Pass, and signed copies at the Annual Awards Banquet Saturday, Feb. 17, 1996. Writer Essex Hemphill, who passed away last year, was posthumously awarded the James Baldwin Black Quill Award. The Lesbian Support Group of Washington, D.C. received the Award for Organization of the Year. The Forum also announced a new award, the Carl Bean Spirituality Award, in honor of Bishop Carl Bean, the founder of the Unity Fellowship Movement, and presented the first award to Bishop Bean. Boykin outlined long-term goals for the Forum, including building alliances with black organizations, creating a public policy arm, increasing the visibility of black lesbians and gay men, registering thousands to vote, launching an anti-racism campaign in the gay white community, arranging a national black church conference on homosexuality, continuing the fight against the radical religious right, creating a leadership training school, supporting lesbian and gay students at black colleges, and creating a national job bank and information resource directory for the black lesbian and gay community. The Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum was established in March 1988 to combat homophobia, racism and sexism and to strengthen institutions for African American gay men and lesbians. - 30 -