Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 10:14:46 -0400 (EDT) From: And Justice for All Subject: Draft Plan 8/22/95 Draft Plan of Action 8/22/95 And Justice for All And Justice for All is dedicated to achieving equality for all without regard to sexual orientation and to increasing the visibility of heterosexuals in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights movement. We seek to achieve our goals by organizing on three fronts: colleges and universities, the Internet, and at public events. Colleges and Universities Colleges and universities are among the safest spaces available to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (l/g/b/t) people. The level of tolerance and acceptance found on many campuses rivals that of the gay neighborhoods in many large cities. Colleges and universities are well ahead of the national curve in implementing non-discrimination policies pertaining to sexual orientation. However, even on liberal campuses, most people assume that all those who are actively involved with an l/g/b/t group are themselves lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Even a large university is a relatively small community - a place where just a few committed individuals can make a major impact. And Justice for All will recruit a core of supporters and assist them (by serving as a resource center and through our quarterly newsletter) as they participate in their college or university's l/g/b/t activities. Possible actions include: participating in a speak-out (such as are often held during NCOD celebrations); writing letters to the editor of the school and community newspaper(s); and sponsoring (or organizing) a speech, panel, or similar event. Although they do not require a burdensome time commitment, these activities will raise the awareness of heterosexual involvement in the l/g/b/t rights movement and further the ultimate goal of equality and social justice. The Internet The Internet is an extraordinarily powerful and versatile tool for mass communication. Individuals (or small groups) can spread information and engage in dialogue over incredible distances at very low cost. And Justice for All will take full advantage of this technology. We have no intention of duplicating the efforts of other groups by researching and publishing our own activist alerts. Instead, we will concentrate our efforts on communicating this information to an audience existing groups do not adequately reach - heterosexuals. We intend to find and subscribe to relevant e-mail lists, Internet Newsgroups, and activist alert mailing lists. This will help us function as a clearinghouse and coordination center for action, galvanizing straight support for these calls to action. Public Events Throughout the year, cities and towns, organizations and institutions sponsor Pride festivals and other events to promote awareness of l/g/b/t issues. These events serve both as a place for activists to come together and as the primary interface between the l/g/b/t and other communities. And Justice for All will take an active role in these events because they provide such an outstanding opportunity to demonstrate the diversity of the movement. We will listen, speak and distribute information (our membership brochure and quarterly newsletter) with the aim of bringing new members to our organization and into the movement as a whole.