Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 06:55:05 -0800 From: (Jessea Greenman) Subject: ACLU Resources The American Civil Liberties Union has many resources available in the ACLU Free Readng Room, a gopher resource on the Internet that also contains news releases, legislative materials and educational software from the ACLU. If you have Internet access, gopher to 6601. The ACLU is also available on American Online and Delphi...ask your service providers for details. Resources available online MAY include items such as "The rights of the critically ill" handbook, "The rights of lesbians and gay men" handbook, "The rights of single parents" handbook, "The rights of teachers" handbook, "The rights of students" etc. Look around and see what you can find. ****Direct questions or comments to You can also order hardcopy versions of ACLU resources. Get a catalog by writing to ACLU, Dept. L, POB 794, Medford NY 11763. *+*+*+*+*+*+ Jessea Greenman Co-Chair, Project 21, GLAAD/SFBA 1360 Mission #200, San Francisco CA 94103 ph/fax @ home: 510-601-8883 [Project 21 has received major funding from the Columbia Foundation.]