Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 15:24:32 -0800 From: "Rachelle R. Sparks" Subject: Johnnie Phelps [Image] Johnnie Phelps 1922-1997 Johnnie Phelps WWII Veteran, Feminist and Gay Rights Activist Johnnie Phelps, widely remembered for her conversation with Gen. Eisenhower in the film documentary "Before Stonewall", passed away December 30th at the Veterans Home in Barstow. She was 75. Joining the first WAAC battalion during WWII, she first served in the South Pacific and later under the occupation forces in Germany under Eisenhower, Wounded in action, she received the Purple Heart, awarded to soldiers injured due to enemy action. Sixteen women received the Purple Heart during World War II. Among her other credits are: Appearing in the first gay production to go to Carnegie Hall. 33 years clean and sober in the AA program. Certified Addictions Counselor, Skid Row, Mary Lind Foundation. Counselor/board President , Alcoholism Center for Women. Lesbian Rights Task Force Chair, LA NOW & California NOW. While Chair she was one of the leaders for the March on Sacramento for Gay Rights and spearheaded the media campaign for the women accused of lesbian tendencies on the USS Norton Sound. While treasurer of California NOW, she built bridges to the political community. Provided printing and consulting services to such political candidates as Jackie Goldberg, Linda Nelson and others. Appointed by Gloria Molina to the LA Commission on Veteran's Affairs, she resigned in 1996 due to severe health problems. [Image] First seen in the film documentary "Before Stonewall", she was later chronicled in "My Country, My Right to Serve" by Mary Ann Humphrey and "Conduct Unbecoming" by Randy Shilts, a pictorial revue of the people in Conduct by Apollo Media. In 1993, the first annual Sgt. Johnnie Phelps Awards Banquet was held in Portland, Oregon by the Veterans for Human Rights, and continues today. A portion of the documentary, "Trailblazers: Unsung Military Heroines of WWII" by Mindy Pomper will be shown ad infinitum at the Women's Memorial in Washington D.C. She is survived by Grace Bukowski, her partner of 22 years and a legion of people whose lives she touched in so many ways. Johnnie's cremated remains will be buried at the Veterans' Cemetery in Westwood on January 30th, at 2:00pm. A memorial service will be held at Alcoholism Center for Women, 1147 South Alvarado Street, LA at 4:00pm. Donations to Alcoholism Center for Women or Veterans for Human Rights may be made in lieu of flowers. More information regarding any of the organizations mentioned above can be easily accessed through the following web site: Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 21:33:00 -0800 From: "Rachelle R. Sparks" Subject: Guestbook Hi! I have a favor to ask those of you who received information regarding Johnnie Phelps that I sent within this last week. It will only take a few minutes of your time, I promise!!! Those of you who haven't already done this, please go to the web page dedicated to Johnnie that I put together for Grace. (Address is at the bottom of this letter). Sign the guest book with a few words about Johnnie or a few words to Grace, or both! I am copying and pasting all entries in the guest book and compiling them to be viewed at the memorial service for Johnnie, Friday, Jan. 30th at ACW. This means a lot to Grace. I wouldn't ask if it didn't. advance...THANK YOU!!! Rachelle R. Sparks Johnnie's Page: And for those who may be interested, the roundabout way: Grace's Page: