Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 08:02:09 +0100 (MEZ) From: Bj|rn Skolander Thursday, September 27, 1995 OBITUARY EIGIL AXGIL, DANISH GAY LEADER, 71 Copenhagen, Sept. 27 - Eigil Axgil, whose lifelong crusade for gay rights made Denmark the first country in the world to allow same-sex marriages, has died at 71, a newspaper reported today. Mr. Axgil died Friday. The cause of his death was not immediately available. On Oct. 1, 1989, he and Axel Axgil became the first gay men to take marriage vows legally. That was the same day that a law took effect in Denmark that allowed homosexuals to register marriages. In 1948, the men - at the time using their original names Eigil Eskildsen and Axel Lundahl-Madsen - founded the National Homosexual Association, one of the oldest gay rights groups in Europe. Six years ago, Danish legislators approved a law giving homosexuals all the rights and obligations of marriage, except adopting a child or obtaining semen for conception. Other countries in Europe soon followed suit.