Date: Sat, 26 Aug 1995 16:28:32 +0200 (MSZ) From: Bj|rn Skolander BENNY HENRIKSSON 1947-1995 The Swedish researcher and author Benny Henriksson has died at the age of 48. Earlier this year he took his doctor's degree in social work at the university of Gothenburg. Benny Henriksson had a passionate love relation to his work. He lived with it for 24 hours a day, and had thefore often an advantage over us, his fellows. The latest books were already in his research library long before we even knew they existed. He was like that. Persistant, devoted but without boasting, he set to work at important and complicated research objects. The latest years his research dealt mostly with hiv and homosexuality, about risktaking, exposure and love between gay men. Before that he had devoted himself to youth research. For fifteen years, in the 70's and 80's, he was affiliated with The National Youth Council. During this period he produced several influential works reagarding the lives of young people in today's society. Benny Henriksson had the ability to transform the results of his research into exciting, relevant and often provocative texts. After the years at the Youth Council he launched his own Institute for Social Research and a publishing house. He wanted to be independent and to be able to devote himself to the issue that was closest to his heart: to do research and to write about homosexuality. For several years the project maker Benny Henriksson got an outlet for his inventiveness and versatility. His main concern was Lambda Nordica, a popular science magazine dealing with homosexuality. To the content it was an extraordinary success; pioneering and ahead of its time, with contributions from the internationally most well-known researchers in this field. His network to international researchers was considerable. Financially, however, it was a disaster, and the lack of money predicted harder times for the fierce entrepreneur. In the early 90's he then looked for a new platform for his work. He re- established his contact with the university, a world he had had an ambivalent relation towards since his years of studies at Uppsala university in the 70's. He collaborated readily with other researchers, but distrusted the institution in society they belonged to. However, he applied for the PhD programme at the Department of Social Studies at Gothenburg university. And all of a sudden he stood there in the corridor with all his books, accompanied by his wilful dog Gorba Tjoff. In the foreword to his esteemed doctor's dissertation, which he defended earlier this year, he writes that he was concerned about the reactions of his colleagues at the department regarding his choice of subject: homosexual love and sexuality. His concerns was of course motivated. He carried some gloomy experiences with him from his earlier life. The truth is, however, that this creative and inventive researcher conquered the department by his charm. Sven-Axel Mansson. Professor of social work Margot Wallstroem. Minister of culture Source: Svenska Dagbladet. August 23, 1995. PS: According to another Swedish newspaper Benny Henriksson died of aids- related symptoms. Translated by Bjorn Skolander