Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 13:32:25 -0500 From: David B. O'Donnell To: Multiple recipients of list GLB-NEWS Subject: Dump Clinton [Editorial] [ Send all responses to WillNich@AOL.COM only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. Note to AOL posters: please don't manually break lines when posting; format for paragraphs and let AOL linewrap for you. ] The following editorial, written several days ago but updated tonight, will be published in the January issue of The Letter, Kentucky's gay and lesbian newspaper (copies $2.50): THE LETTERTORIAL DUMP CLINTON It used to be that whenever politicians promised the gay and lesbian community something before the election, only to ignore them afterwards, our leaders would simply shrug and say, "Well, at least he's better than [fill in the blank]," or "He DID hug that guy with AIDS." Until recently, of course, we didn't have much choice. We took whatever spoiled scraps the political system threw on the floor and ate them as if they were filet mignon. We might not like the smell, but we were too hungry to admit we were eating garbage. But thanks to Bill Clinton--ironically--those days are over. So it is with even more irony that we now believe gays and lesbians need to look for somebody a little more trustworthy than President Clinton to carry us through the rest of the 90s. We all know that any issue with the "gay and lesbian" label on it is automatically going to be controversial in this country these days. But what are presidents for if not to lead, to take stands, to go where no politician has ever gone before? Clinton's still stuck in some closet. Sure, he's appointed a few publicly gay and lesbian people to government positions, and he did make an effort--however pathetic--to do something about gays in the military, until Sam Nunn yelled "boo" and he hightailed it to the woods. But his record on AIDS is just as bad as George's, and now he's made it clear that even our parents aren't welcome in his administration. And now that he's fired his own friend, Joycelyn Elders, to appease the religious right, we have to wonder: what won't this guy NOT do for us now? Has he become just another president imprisoned by his own advisors? According to Sean Strub, publisher of POZ, a magazine for PLAs, his advisors have "proven themselves to be enemies of people with AIDS because of their aggressive insistence that the White House stay away from any gay or AIDS-related issues." If true, it explains why our advances under Clinton have slowed to a trickle. It's a long slide from that stunning campaign appearance two years ago in Hollywood in front of a gay and lesbian audience. Nice gesture--but that's it. Now, with his recent support for a school prayer amendment, we're beginning to see him for what he really is: something akin to that cute woodlands creature with slick black fur and a white streak down its back that's nice to look at but will spray you with its odor if you get too close. We don't need any more leaders like Clinton (if, indeed, "leader" is an appropriate description). He's had his chance, we've seen enough. It's time to start looking for a bolder leader with at least a little courage to steer us through the rest of the Gay Nineties. Sorry, Bill, but read my lips: you blew it. --David Williams for the Editorial Board