Date: Sat, 30 Sep 1995 20:38:25 -0400 From: (Claude DiDomenica) Subject: CAT VOLUNTEER FAQ!!! CAT PROJECT BRIGHTER FUTURE VOLUNTEER FAQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE DISTRIBUTE AS WIDELY AS POSSIBLE!!! - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ -_ - _ - _ - Children's Animated Television (CAT) is a non-profit organization that produces educational videos for children and teens on social issues such as AIDS, diversity and substance abuse. CAT's current video project is on self-esteem and suicide prevention for gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) teens. CAT also believes there is a strong correlation between low self-esteem and the spread of HIV through unsafe sex. "Project Brighter Future for GLB Teens" hopes to have a significant impact towards providing hope and long, healthy lives for our nations GLB youth. Want more information on Project Brighter Future??? Please E-Mail or on the Web: CAT also provides a GLB youth Web page: If you are already familiar with the project and want to volunteer, please read on... Project Brighter Future has been endorsed by Congressman Frank and Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts!!! - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ -_ - _ - _ - NOTE: If you can not help in our volunteer effort, please pass this FAQ on to someone else. If you volunteered for an on-camera interview, you have not been forgotten! Right now, our present need is to raise funds and other volunteer tasks. Thanks!!! This FAQ is for potential youth and adult volunteers. Just as a reminder, we are sensitive to the fact that many GLB youth, for reasons of safety, etc., may no be able to openly support a fundraiser for this project. Although our immediate and critical need is for money, we have provided other volunteer opportunities as ways you can help. Any help is greatly appreciated!!! GLB and heterosexual teens and adults are encouraged to volunteer. Only with the support of ALL people will this important work continue... Here are a few comments from our Executive Director, Bessie Hadley: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I first began to research this video and look for volunteers, I recall a conversation I had with a teen volunteer. We began to talk about her interest in the video and I asked her: "What did your family say when you told them you were a lesbian?" She then said: "My father disowned me. My mother tried to 'make me straight.' My brother would not talk to me. I had to leave my family. I miss them a lot..." Then she started to cry... And so did I... As I think about this conversation now, I still makes me feel sad to think that young people consider suicide as an option to living. Families need to encourage GLB teens to have positive self-worth and parents must love their children unconditionally... Who we are... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Children's Animated Television (CAT) is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization that produces educational videos for children and teens. Kids and their families learn about contemporary social problems, such as diversity and AIDS. Cartoons are used in a nonthreatening way to help children learn about these issues. A new activity for CAT is the production of non-animated videos for teenagers. Future projects for teens include substance abuse and addiction, participation in democracy and being safe on the streets. CAT would like to discuss topics for all kids, from third grade through high school. We are a new and progressive organization is search of people concerned about a better future for all children and our world... What we do... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since 1992, our mission has been to encourage discussion between children, parents, teachers and other people concerned about today's social issues. Discussion can motivate people to find creative solutions, and learn about compromise. If you can envision peace and solutions, then you can find ways to end conflict. CAT has a weekly newsletter, "The CAT Chronicle", which includes information on CAT's current events, a parenting and child safety area, the GLB Youth Advisor column, and comments from CAT's staff. We also have a computer bulletin board service, and a CAT Homepage on the World Wide Web. Future plans include a series of public service announcements using puppets, developing a weekly cable television show on social issues, and creating more video programs for young people. People Who Know Us... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our video on diversity, "The Cool Cat's Show - Differences" has won a prestigious cable television award. "Dr Furball Talks about HIV & AIDS" is listed as a resource in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control Educational Database. Both videos have been added to the resource list of the National Education Association Health Information Network. We have received support from Congressman Frank, Congressman Moakley, Congressman Markey and Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts. Our unique videos have appeared on many cable television stations. PROJECT BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR GLB TEENS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our latest video effort is called Project Brighter Future. This video will focus on self-esteem and suicide prevention in gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) youth. The goal is to present positive role models (adults and teens) who will talk about their experiences growing up as GLB youth. We also hope to encourage youth to believe that they can have a brighter future, and that suicide need not be an option. CAT also plans to create a separate video for transgendered youth. Hate crimes such as racially motivated violence and "gay bashing" is on the rise and ALL decent Americans must demand a stop to this. As our President, Claude DiDomenica recently said: "When one person suffers we all suffer. What meaning is their to life knowing there is so much pain and hatred on our planet. We ALL must do our part to help. The plight of GLB youth is a national tragedy and disgrace..." Here is a list of some challenges that GLB teens encounter: - Higher and unacceptable incidence of suicide than the general population - Prevalent alcohol and substance abuse - Increased risk of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) - Unsupported and/or hostile family, school and social environments - Violence and hate crimes - Inadequate or no education because they fear attending school - Being thrown out of their homes or feeling compelled to run away - Involvement in prostitution for survival, if homeless How YOU can help... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have received MANY responses to our call for volunteers. People have contacted us from all over the country. Most people want to volunteer for on-camera interviews. This is encouraging but unfortunately, our most immediate need is for funding. Without money, we cannot cover the cost of producing this video. CAT is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization, including the staff. If you really want to help Project Brighter Future to be a success, please think about the following ideas. If you choose to volunteer, we are asking that you commit a minimum of 5 hours each week to this project. Project Brighter Future is special because it will include multiple features, including: - Promoting self-esteem in GLB teens - Introducing positive GLB role models of all ages, races and walks of life - Demonstrating the correlation between low self-esteem and substance abuse, the increased risk of HIV and STD's - Stimulate discussion for groups in schools, social groups, religious organizations and families - Provide hope and a brighter future for troubled GLB teens Why is this project important??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The producer, Claude DiDomenica, tells why it's important to him: "We would like to show positive teen and adult role models in an attempt to beef up self-esteem in GLB youth. I, for one, am ashamed to live on a planet that treats its fellow beings as many of us do... My primary motive is to help save these precious young lives..." The bottom line... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asking people for money is not an easy task. It is not easy for us at CAT to ask you to do this. Please understand we area grassroots organization with little current support from foundations, corporations and individuals. We have yet to find that one visionary person to provide the seed money (operating funds) that any non-profit needs. [We know YOU are reading this! Please help us!] CAT is not only in danger of not producing the GLB youth video, but in jeopardy of shutting down completely. Now is the time to act!!! Below are many ways to help us through this critical stage. Please feel free to suggest additional ways we didn't mention... We have listed them in more or less, order of importance: 1. Join the "2500 Club" Ask 100 people you know to donate $25 or more each. Make a list of people you know who might be interested in helping to fund this video. Think of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors; anyone you think might be able to help. Help them to understand that all of us need to help GLB youth grow up into productive, healthy adults. Donations are needed to produce the video, including costs for renting video equipment, editing fees, travel for on-camera interviews, cost of materials and to set up an 800 hotline for GLB youth. 2. Join the "1250 Club" Ask 50 people to make a donation of $25 or more. Make a list of people you know who might be interested in helping to fund this video. Think of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, anyone you think might be able to help. Help them to understand that all of us need to help GLB youth grow up into productive, healthy adults. Donations are needed to produce the video, including costs for renting video equipment, editing fees, travel for on-camera interviews, cost of materials and set up an 800 hotline for GLB youth. 3. Join the "Set Your Own Goal Club" Many of us don't know 50 or 100 people... No problemo! Set your own goal for a fundraiser. Contact as many people as you know and ask for a $5, $10, $15 or more donation. Any help you can give would be appreciated. Don't be afraid to ask a person who is really interested for a large sum. Bessie and I over the last 4 years have donated or loaned to CAT close to $50,000!!! Remember, it doesn't hurt to ask... 4. Group power!!! If you are a member of a GLB or gay/straight alliance group in your school, encourage your group to plan a fundraiser for CAT! A fundraiser can include a simple bake sale, book sale, movie night, spelling bee, etc. If CAT could get 50 youth groups to raise $5000 each, the video could be produced. Maybe your group could help us sell boxes of M&M's, etc. Please contact us below if interested... 5. Our GLB youth and community leaders... Are you a business owner, GLB youth counselor or mentor, member of the clergy, etc.??? Why not sponsor or coordinate a "CAT Month." For example, a business owner could donate 10% of all sales of a certain item or items. A GLB counselor could inspire their group to volunteer, etc. A minister could tell their parishioners about CAT's need for support. CAT would love to find a T-shirt company to donate a bunch of silk-screened shirts for fundraising, or other products/services!!! Please send donations to: Children's Animated Television 1492 Highland Avenue, Suite 3 Needham, MA 02192 voice 617-449-9699 fax 617-449-2238 IMPORTANT: We need volunteers to help in the fundraising area the most. If we can get 100 people to raise $2500 each, we could easily fund this video project! Please think about how you can help this effort. We also need volunteers with experience in these areas: 1. Director of Development - Boston area: We are looking for a seasoned veteran with connections to the philanthropic community, experienced in organizing fundraisers, writing grant proposals, etc. Retirees are welcome!!! CAT was founded by two concerned people with NO professional non-profit management experience. We are great at producing the videos and running a cool Web site. Where we need the most help is in the development area... Please consider helping us. 2. Internet Guru #1 - any location: Volunteer who can search the Internet including the Web for sponsors, and obtain links to CAT's homepage, and other pages. Can also post CAT's newsletter and press releases to the appropriate newsgroups, lists, etc. 3. Internet Guru #2 - any location: Person to gather E-Mail list of ALL media sources including radio, television, newspapers, magazines, political people (federal and state), celebrities, and any one else you think might be helpful. This is a VERY important project. CAT would like to compile the largest E-Mailing list possible!!! 4. Internet Guru #3 - any location Volunteer to post on the appropriate USENET newsgroups and lists and tell them about the CAT Web Homepage and our other activities. We would like someone to get involved on a continual basis. 5. BBS addicts: BBS users needed for each metropolitan area to post newsletters CAT files, etc. Currently, only the 617 area (Boston) is being taken care of. Also, be willing to participate on the appropriate Net's such as FIDONET, WILDNET, etc. 6. On-line service users: Prodigy, etc. users needed to post newsletters, etc. in the appropriate conferences. Currently, only America Online is being taken care of. CompuServe, Genie, Delphi, Prodigy, etc. users needed! Also, we need users for major BBS's such as Channel 1, etc. 7. Fundraiser #1 - any location: Person experienced in organizing community fundraising events such as book fairs, car washes or bake sales. Would also need to be willing to contact local businesses to be sponsors for CAT events. 8. Fundraiser #2 - any location: Person skilled in networking with family, friends, and coworkers to obtain pledges for donations to CAT, contact the community relations person at their workplace to encourage volunteer opportunities for employees, etc. 9. Writers #1 - any location: Writers welcome to submit articles for our weekly newsletter, "The CAT Chronicle." Be creative! Write about something important to you. Your voice will be heard internationally... We prefer some sort of theme like "Substance Abuse and Addiction" to be submitted weekly. We encourage single submissions as well... 10. Writers #2 - any location: Pediatrician needed to contribute articles to the "Parents and Child Safety" page in our popular newsletter. Jeff Sam, our parents and child safety coordinator needs your help! You would be responsible for medical related issues... 11. Writers #3 - any location: Seeking a health professional (Physician, RN, LSW, etc.) to write a weekly column for our newsletter about the latest AIDS information, including prevention as well as a PWA's diet, exercise, medications, mental health, new treatments and studies... 12. Translators - any location: Needed to translate weekly newsletter into Spanish and French. 13. Volunteer youth political activist: Person (adult or teen) who can monitor current anti/pro-GLB policies, businesses, communities, etc. Can help compile a list of "GLB friendly" politicians, businesses, organizations, etc. Will help CAT set up a program to encourage GLB youth to register to vote and take part in the political process. Let's put an end to apathy! 14. Researcher - any location: Volunteer needed who is willing to find specific information on the Internet, library, etc. An example would be to find the latest research on GLB suicide or to find the "Traditional Values Coalition's" Web site and do opposition research, etc. Food for thought: some final words from Bessie... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since we began this project in June, we have raised $175!! Our phone bill for June was $250!!! The truth is, I am disheartened by the general lack of interest in the health of GLB youth in our country. This project on suicide prevention and self-esteem in GLB teens has been a really tough "sell" to most adults in the GLB community. We understand it takes great courage to stand up for GLB youth. Just think if the decent people of Germany would have stood up to the NAZI's... Claude's family lost people to the Holocaust... I have contacted nearly every GLB national organization, as well as local groups. I hate to admit this, but our pleas generally have fallen upon deaf ears. In my humble opinion, I think it is a real national tragedy that our young people are killing themselves. So... we are changing our strategy to try and reach the people directly involved: the GLB youth. My partner and I have invested all of our time and money into this non-profit. We understand that most groups are focused on direct services, rather than long term prevention and education. It is easy to be charitable when you see a sick child or an impoverished community. But our contribution to society can make as much of an impact as ending domestic violence. Prevention and education are the best ways to diminish many problems that plague our society. We know that this is the right project to do. We also believe that the problem of suicide in GLB youth is important to all people, no matter what their sexual orientation may be. Claude and I are a heterosexual couple and we care!!! Claude has been saying "Love and the truth shall prevail..." I hope he is right!!! Please don't be surprised if people are resistant to you asking them to fund this video. We live in a homophobic society. If someone makes an unkind remark to you about GLB youth, try to remember that each of us is different for a reason. Diversity is a good and natural part of life. Each day we hear from strangers who say that they appreciate our effort to make this video. We hear from teens, young adults and even parents who have lost a child. This project is really for the youth of our country. There are adults out there who really DO care if you live or die. Thanks again for all your help!!! Good luck in your fundraising effort! Your support and kind words have really kept Claude and I motivated to finish this video. Bessie P.S. Please take a moment to read the "CAT Credo." Thanks! Children's Animated Television (CAT) believes in positive future for all children... CAT's philosophy is to help solve today's complex social problems through honest and open dialogue, education, information and compromise... CAT will produce video programs for pre-teens and teens to stimulate their minds, harness their creativity and imaginations to cultivate long-lasting answers to problems in their world... As a public service, CAT will also provide educational information using all available technology including a computer bulletin board, World Wide Web site and other electronic media. CAT will supply this knowledge for children, parents and educators to enable our society to develop ideas and solutions for a better tomorrow... # # # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Claude DiDomenica * * Children's Animated Television *a non-profit organization * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *