Date: Sat, 6 Aug 1994 13:00:43 -0400 From: "Michael, The Manager Of DELPHI's Gay Forum" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-= "GAY TV LISTINGS OF THE WEEK" -=-= -=-= Weekly Column By Carol Mortimer -=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-= With Permission, Edited And Re-distributed By NOT2@Delphi.Com -=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hi, folks! This is a list of tv shows with gay, lesbian, other sexual minority, and gay/straight AIDS themes, for the tv week from Saturday, 8/06/94 though Friday, 8/12/94. Based on TV listings for the Phila/NJ area. Sat >> HEALTHWORKS. Airs Sat 8/6/94, 2:00 pm, CNN. TV Guide reports that C the scheduled topic is "surviving with HIV for more than a decade." Sat >> THE MAN WITHOUT A FACE (CC). Airs Sat 8/6/94, 8:00 pm, on HBO. $ Some folks might be interested in viewing this movie. It's one of those that is noteworthy not because of gay content, but because of the LACK of gay content. In the book on which the movie was based, the central character was a gay man. His sexuality was changed for the movie adaptation. Sat >> LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. Airs Sat-Sun., 8/6-7/94, 1:55 am, TNT. This C is the classic 1978 comedy that started the entire La Cage series. Ugo Tognazzi and Michel Serrault play a couple who run a gay drag club. Life is wonderful until their straight son decides to marry the daughter of a religious right-wing politician. Sat >> BROTHERS. Airs Sat-Sun, 8/6-7/94, 2:30 am in Phila Pa on WGBS ch L 57. This sitcom is worth taping. Of 6 regular characters (4 men, 2 women), 2 of the men are gay and proud. Sun >> HEALTHWORKS. See above. Airs Sun 8/7/94, 6:00 am (NOT pm!), CNN. C Sun >> PROTOCOL (CC). Airs Sun 8/7/94, 4:30 pm, Cinemax. Goldie Hawn $ plays a straight nightclub waitress who winds up as an ambassador. She shares a house with her best friends - a gay male couple, who are positively portrayed. Sun >> YENTL. Airs Sun 8/7/94, 8:00 pm, TNT. Barbra Streisand's 1983 C masterpiece. She plays a woman who wants to study the Talmud in Eastern Europe in the early 1900s. Since women aren't permitted to enter Yeshivas for religious study, she disguises herself as a male teen and enrolls. She winds up falling in love with her male study partner, but marrying his FEMALE ex-fiancee (who believes Streisand to be male)..... The score is fantastic, and this movie would have been absolutely PERFECT if it had just ended 30 minutes sooner. Recommended! Mon >> GERALDO: TRANSSEXUALISM AND PROSTITUTION. Airs Mon 8/8/94, 9:00 L am, Phila PA KYW ch 3. Airs in most areas. Check your local listings. Mon >> GERALDO: TRANSSEXUALISM AND PROSTITUTION. Airs Mon 8/8/94, 4:00 L pm, NYC WCBS ch 2. Mon >> BROTHERS. See above. Airs Mon-Tues, 8/8-9/94, 4:00 am, in Phila L Pa on WGBS ch 57. Tue >> BEYOND 2000. Airs Tues 8/9/94, 7:00 pm, Discovery cable channel. C "An eye test to detect symptoms of AIDS." -TV Guide Tue >> POSITIVE HEALTH. Reminder: Airs every Tues at 8:00 pm on P Philadelphia PA WYBE ch 35. A local weekly program by and about being HIV-positive and living with AIDS. Tue >> BROTHERS. See above. Airs Tues-Wed, 8/9-10/94, 4:30 am, in Phila L Pa on WGBS ch 57. Wed >> BASIC INSTINCT (CC). Airs Wed 8/10/94, 8:00 pm, Showtime cable. $ Incredibly homophobic murder thriller that features several lesbian and bisexual female characters - all of whom are murderers or mass murderers. Wed >> BROTHERS. See above. Airs Wed-Thurs, 8/10-11/94, 4:00 am, in L Phila Pa on WGBS ch 57. Thu >> MAURY POVICH: HIV-POSITIVE STATUS AND UNSAFE SEXUAL PRACTICES. L Airs Thurs 8/11/94, 2:00 pm, NYC WNBC ch 4. Airs in most areas. Check your local listings. Thu >> MAURY POVICH: HIV-POSITIVE STATUS AND UNSAFE SEXUAL PRACTICES. L Airs Thurs 8/11/94, 3:00 pm, Phila PA KYW ch 3. Thu >> BROTHERS. See above. Airs Thurs-Fri, 8/11-12/94, 4:00 am, in L Phila Pa on WGBS ch 57. Fri >> IN THE LIFE. Airs Fri 8/12/94, 7:30 pm, Philadelphia PA WYBE ch P 35. Lesbian and gay variety/entertainment series. I still haven't received my next program guide, so I can't provide listings. But check your PBS listings for this coming week, since another episode is due about now. Fri >> BROADCAST TAPES OF DR. PETER (CC). Airs Fri 8/12/94, 8:00 pm, $ HBO-2. Oscar-nominated documentary about a Canadian physician who broadcast a tv news journal about his health, as he was deteriorating from AIDS. Fri >> HOMOPHOBIA IN THE WORKPLACE. Airs in Philadelphia PA only on Fri P 8/12/94, 8:00 pm, WYBE ch 35. WYBE's program guide says: "Brian McNaught shares his knowledge and experience gained through his highly successful workshops on homophobia for large corporations". Fri >> GROWING UP GAY. Airs in Phila PA on Fri 8/12/94, 9:00 pm, on WYBE P ch 35. WYBE's program guide says: "Through his personal story, Brian McNaught breaks through misconceptions about homosexuality with wit and sensitivity." That's it for this week! But check out the article on pages 45-48 on the 8/8/94 issue of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, about the Indigo Girls. Among the topics: their decision to talk openly in the press about their lesbianism. Happy viewing, everyone! Warmly, Carol Mortimer, NJ Prodigy ID = npwc08a America OnLine ID = caroLm10 Internet ID = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FROM: Michael ( Left margin codes: The day of the week L = Check your Local listing $ = Premium Pay Cable Network P = Check your Local PBS station C = Nationaly, on basic cable R = Pay-per-view or Video Rental I want to thank all who wrote me in responce to my "Getting Fired" and "Pizza Parlor Incident" articles. One thing I want to clear up, I'm not depressed at all! Yes, both articles were depressing. But for the most part, my life is fine. 1: Broke-up with my lover in NC, probably for the better. 2: Quit my 5 month old job to do volumteer work for both Gay Games and Stonewall. Doing so now makes me more prouder than ever before! 3: Started a better paying job in July. 4: A dear friend wrote me a powerful letter which got my life pointed in the right direction and as a result, my dad finally told me he knows. I'm out to my parents, YEAH! And I'm happy to say, I passed my enterance exam and will be a full-time student, studying Business Administration at an adult tech school this fall. Thankyou Bill Stella! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-= Signed: Michael ( -=-= -=-= The Host And Manager Of Delphi's Very First Gay Custom Forum. -=-= -=-= "IN FULL VIEW - Custom Forum #22" -=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=