H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ************************************************************* THIS WAY OUT Rundown Program #509 (12/29/97) ************************************************************* SOMETHING’S MISSING! We gave the "NewsWrap" staff a one-week vacation, but they’ll be back with our regular news segment next week as usual. Opening Teases/Theme Music/Intro Continuity/No "NewsWrap" Advisory .. 1:35 SEGMENT #1 - In Australia, REVEREND DOROTHY McRAE-McMAHON`s coming out made the Uniting Church a symbol of the intensified debate on homosexuality and Christian theology that brought upheaval to denominations around the world this year. As National Director for Mission, McRae-McMahon held the Church`s second-highest post, but now that she`s out, the validity of her ordination is even being challenged. CARLA OMICIUOLO [from Australia`s national lesbigay radio program "Out & Out"] talks with McRae-McMahon about why she risked disclosure of her sexual orientation, and what her life has been like since (with intro/outro music from "Where Are The Keys To The Kingdom?" performed by SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK) .............................................................................. ............................................................ 9:15 SEGMENT #2 - "TWO" I.D. by multi-medal-winning openly-gay Olympic diving champ Greg Louganis .............................................................................. ................................. :10 SEGMENT #3 - As we learned last week, JAMES BROUGHTON claims he was visited by an angel at the age of 3. The angel told him he was a poet and exhorted him to devote his life to joy. Now at the age of 82, Broughton can say that he has followed that angel’s advice -- he’s published 18 books of strange and whimsical writi Museum of Modern Art in New York, and been honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Film Institute. Yet, outside of a relatively-small circle of fans, James Broughton is relatively unknown. In this week’s conclusion of "WORKING FOR BIG JOY", a profile of the prolific poet and filmmaker written and hosted by independent radio producer ROBIN WHITE, we rejoin Broughton and his friends exploring Eastern spirituality in San Francisco, and recall his only commercially-successful film, "The Bed", made during the transformative years of the late 1960`s. White also traces the Canadian connection that led to Broughton`s 1976 same-gender wedding to the man he still lives with today [includes comments by Broughton, who also reads from his poetry and prose; his longtime friend and Beat poet Michael McClure; filmmaker Helen Prince, who worked with Broughton on "The Bed"; Broughton`s first of two wives, movie critic Pauline Kael; KPFA-FM/Berkeley Poetry Editor Jack Foley; and Joel Singer, Broughton`s partner of over 20 years] [with intro music from "Joy To The World" by THREE DOG NIGHT; transition music from SCOTT MACKENZIE`s "San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair)"; and from "The Broughton Songs" CD by the late Chilean singer LUDAR) ........................................................................ 15:20 CLOSING CREDITS/CONTINUITY (with "Ding Dong; Ding Dong", performed by GEORGE HARRISON, replacing our usual closing theme music this week only) ........ 2:40 [*NOTE: music starts up full through first chorus, fades down and under closing continuity, then comes back up full, and eventually fades out- no usual final drum "thump" this week!] TOTAL PROGRAM TIME .............................................................................. ....................... 29:00 -----------------------------Please note-------------------------------- Anyone with questions, suggestions, or NEWS stories is encouraged to email "T.W.O." Coordinating Producer G Gordon at: TWOradio@aol.com -------------------------------thanks! --------------------------------- Some "THIS WAY OUT" operating expenses are funded by grants from THE C.P. ESTES GUADALUPE FOUNDATION, THE GILL FOUNDATION, and through charitable donations from listeners worldwide. ====================================================================== Please visit our World Wide Web home page at http://www.qrd.org/qrd/www/media/radio/thiswayout ************************************************************* "This Way Out" is the award-winning internationally-distributed weekly gay and lesbian radio program currently airing on over 85 community radio stations in eight countries, on Costa Rica-based global shortwave station RFPI (Radio For Peace International), and on the Internet. Transcripts and *audio* of " This Way Out" programs are available online via Planet Out (http://www.planetout.com) -- click on the "news & entertainment" area, then click on the "This Way Out" option (you'll also find a direct link there to downloading free RealAudio software). ======================================== Hungry for more frequent queer news? Run for coverage to the "NewsPlanet" area of Planet Out, or on America Online via keyword: "newsplanet" for weekday text news updates, prepared by many of the same people who bring you "This Way Out". *************************************************************