Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 18:33:47 -0600 (CST) From: (Steve Walters-Dearmon) Subject: PRESS RELEASE ... A VOICE FOR US! The Lambda Radio Fund, Inc. Box 35031, Dallas, Texas 75235 =20 Phone 214/520-1375, Fax 214/520-1375 Email FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 13, 1996 To provide positive, premium quality radio programming and economical audio production services primarily for the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgendered and HIV/AIDS= communities. --The Lambda Radio Fund Mission Statement New Non-Profit Corp. To Give Clear Voice To GLBT and HIV/AIDS Communities (DALLAS, TX) After three years in the mind of its founder, The Lambda Radio= Fund, Inc. is now a viable entity ready to take on the task of giving a= voice to two groups of people which have historically had virtually no= voice at all. In September of 1992, Steve Walters-Dearmond accepted the challenge of= producing the only radio program in the Dallas/Ft. Worth market targeted= specifically at the gay and lesbian listening audience. The program airs= Sundays on community radio station KNON-FM (89.3). Even though Mr. Walters= and the others involved in the weekly production do so on a volunteer= basis, materials needed for the production of the program are not free and= are paid for by the volunteers. Consequently, he set about finding a way to= finance the professional production of the program. At the same time, he was searching for quality GLBT and HIV/AIDS = programming to air and he found that nothing was being produced in the= region and little was being produced nationwide. The two needs seemed to be= natural components of one service organization so he approached a couple of= local businessmen with the concept and The Lambda Radio Fund (LRF) is the= result. Operating under a concise mission statement, LRF=92s short-term plans are= to finance the production of two existing GLBT radio programs, Lambda= Weekly and Sin Fronteras, both of which are currently heard on KNON-FM.= Long-term plans include producing additional programming which can either= be incorporated into the existing radio programs or be used as stand-alone= units in the Dallas market or in syndication in other markets. The group= also has plans to buy air time in which to air programming.=20 Since the cost of production is one of the largest items in any public= relations budget, LRF, which currently operates out of the residence= offices of its board members, will also serve as a low-cost production= house for public service announcements (PSA=92s) primarily for other GLBT= and HIV/AIDS non-profit organizations. Functioning as a clearinghouse for= new and experienced voice talent will be part of this aspect of the= corporation.=20 =93The gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered and HIV/AIDS communities have for= too long had some very important things to say, but have been drowned out= by our adversaries. The time has come for us to be heard in a clear and= professional manner, especially in light of the current political climate,= =94 says Mr. Walters. =93LRF is not an activist organization by definition,= but will be seen as one by virtue of the results of its services.=94 Farther ahead in its plans, the fund intends to set up scholarships for= GLBT communications students and to eventually purchase a radio station= either on its own or in conjunction with another non-profit organization. The initial board of directors is composed of Dallas area business people= and people who are currently involved in the production of Lambda Weekly= and Sin Fronteras. Steve Walters-Dearmond, Founder and President, produces= and hosts Lambda Weekly and works for Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages, Inc.= Rodney Markez, Vice President, is a co-host of Lambda Weekly and works for= EDS in sales/marketing and public relations. David Wozniak, Chairman of the= Board and Treasurer, is associate producer and co-host of Lambda Weekly and= is the president of Wozcom Systems and Funtastic Amusement. Maria G.= Rincon, Secretary, is a student at Texas Women=92s University and the= co-host of Sin Fronteras. Jesus Chairez C., board member, is the producer= and host of Sin Fronteras; he is an artist and the founder of the Latino= arts group, Artists Relating Together & Exhibiting (ARTE). S. Kreg Bartley,= board member, makes regular appearances on Lambda Weekly as the program=92s= financial consultant and is the president of First Empire Financial= Services. Monica Green, board member, is the president of Monica Aca Y= Alla. The Lambda Radio Fund, Inc. is accepting memberships ranging from $20.00= for one-year individual memberships to $10,000.00 lifetime individual or= corporate memberships. For more information, call 214/520-1375. --end--=09 --=====================_826853671==_-- ****************************************************************************** To subscribe to the list, email the one line message 'subscribe homoradio'. To unsubscribe to the list, email with the one line message 'unsubscribe homoradio'. To send a message to the entire list "homoradio", email *******************************************************************************