Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 11:45:12 -0400 (EDT) From: "John R. Keene" Dear Mr. Buckmire (Ron) & Everyone Else: Thanks for the message. I just wanted to reply by saying that there are some really interesting gay & lesbian Caribbean writers out there, but you have to scour the bookshelves to find them. Makeda Silvera is a Jamaican lesbian whose "Remembering G and other Stories" appeared in 1991 from Sister Vision Press. She has also edited an anthology of radical women of color. Thomas Glave is also a Jamaican, now living in New York, who demonstrates tremendous lyrical gifts in both poetry and prose. His work has appeared in _Sojourner_, _Callaloo_, _Cottonwood_, and other journals and anthologies. Marlene Nourbese Phillip may or may not be lesbian/bi/trans/poly, but her work does touch on and engage gay & lesbian issues. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the titles of her various books, but she has garnered a number of awards and prizes for her fiction. Also, Rosa Guy (_The Friends_) and Paule Marshall (_Browngirl, Brownstone_, _The Timeless Place, The Chosen People_, _Praisesong for the Widow_) both include gay themes in their works. ` There are Caribbean gays & lesbians writing in Spanish, French, and Kreyol/Creole, I'm sure, but I'd need to check up on some of these writers before I list their names. Please let me know about any other writers out there, and I'll do the same. JOHN KEENE, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903