Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 06:21:58 -0500 From: M E D I A W A T C H for February 17, 1995 by A L K I E L W A S S E R Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter NESTLE . . . NOT SO SWEET! A refreshing list of major companies purchased advertising spots during the recent broadcast of "Serving in Silence." The made-for-television movie was shown by NBC on February 6th and affirmatively depicted the life story of Margarethe Cammermeyer, who was booted out of the U.S. Army for being a lesbian. Not on the list of proud sponsors, however, was Nestle USA. The cowardly company specifically pulled its advertising from the movie. According to Laurie MacDonald, Nestle's Vice President of Corporate affairs, her company adheres to a policy of not advertising on programs "deemed by a majority of the public to be controversial or not widely accepted." Citing the same policy, Nestle also refused to sponsor last year's gay wedding episode of "Northern Exposure" (CBS, May 2). Such an advertising policy is an open invitation to homophobes, letting them know that every time they turn our lives into a "controversy," Nestle will back away from doing the right thing. Moreover, the decision to forego advertising on "Serving in Silence" actually helps to perpetuate the "controversial" and "not widely accepted" status of homosexuality in our society. Nestle is, in effect, creating the very problem the company claims to be avoiding. Complaints go to Joe Weller, Chair and CEO, Nestle USA, 800 North Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA 91203; Laurie MacDonald can be reached directly at tel. 818-549-6235, fax 818-549-5660. Supportive compliments can be sent to Warren Littlefield, Vice President of NBC Entertainment, 3000 West Alameda Ave., Burbank, CA 91523, tel. 818-840-4444. EYE ON NEWT The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is teaming up with a fundamentalist bigot in an apparent effort to promote homophobia in our nation's public schools. Representative Newt Gingrich, at the behest of "Rev." Lou Sheldon's "Traditional Values Coalition," has announced plans to hold Congressional hearings on whether schools receiving federal funds should be prohibited from offering any instruction, programs or services that have the "purpose of effect" of presenting homosexuality as a "positive lifestyle alternative." According to Lou Sheldon, the hearings are necessary because "gays and lesbians live perverted, twisted lives that feed upon the unsuspecting and the innocent, like our children. . . ." Newt Gingrich claims he can "tolerate" gays, but thinks that homosexuality is an affliction not unlike alcoholism. People for the American Way (PFAW), a civil liberties organization, has already expressed concerns that the proposed hearings would hardly provide an impartial public forum for fair and accurate information. PFAW spokespersons have argued that the hearings will "only serve to legitimize and provide a forum for organizations that have a long record of espousing hatred and intolerance." They added: "It would be unthinkable for Congress to hold a hearing on, for example, the 'Jewish influence in the media' based on the outrageous claims of David Duke. Yet, what is proposed here is no different." Of course, if handled with any fairness, the proposed hearings could shed some much-needed light upon the savage homophobia that blights school districts throughout this country. But, given that Gingrich himself suffers from a severe case of heterosexism, fairness isn't likely. Fair or not, the importance of these hearings cannot be underestimated. The textbooks used in our public schools are powerful and ubiquitous media. Paid for with our tax dollars and thrust upon a captive audience, these books defame lesbians and gays routinely. As a consequence, each new generation of Americans is taught a curriculum in hatred and fear. The Gingrich/Sheldon hearings could signal the first step in a formidable effort to undo what modest gains lesbians and gays have made in promoting inclusive, accurate and multicultural textbooks. Remind your Congressional representatives that any public hearings should deal directly with the real issue. The problem in our nation's schools is not the "promotion" of homosexuality, but the promotion of homophobia. Contact Newt Gingrich, Office of the Speaker of the House, H-204 Capitol Building, Washington, DC 20515, tel. 202-225-4501, fax 202-225-4656, e-mail Addresses and phone/fax numbers for your Congresspersons are available by calling 202-224-3121. In an effort to proactively organize for the upcoming Congressional hearings, the National Advocacy Coalition on Youth and Sexual orientation (NACYSO) is collecting stories from young people across the country. Request a "Youth Experience Form" from Rea Carey, NACYSO, 1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005, tel. 202-783-4165 (ext. 49), fax 202-347-2263. SURVEY SAYS . . . . The New York Daily News recently conducted a survey in which respondents were asked whether or not they agreed that homosexuality should be a "socially permissible lifestyle." The survey, presented in the February 13 issue of the newspaper, pretends to probe people's attitudes about abortion, birth control, prostitution, aging and sexual activity. The single question asked about homosexuality is offensive for multiple reasons. First, of course, the newspaper might have given some thought to the difference between a sexual orientation and a "lifestyle." But more than that, the Daily News survey perpetuates the outrageous notion that heterosexuals have the right to give homosexuals permission to exist. Our humanity is not up for a vote! That self-evident truth is apparently not so obvious to the management of the Daily News, who don't seem very mindful of "certain UNALIENABLE rights." To question such ignorant questioning, contact Martin Dunn, Editor-in-Chief, Daily News, 220 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, tel. 212-210-2100, fax 212-949-2120. MR. BUTT HEAD SIGNS OFF The San Francisco Bay Area is a little safer today than it was last week. Radio host J. Paul Emerson is -- for now -- off the air. On February 15th, he was fired from KSFO's all-conservative, all-bigot "Hot Talk" line-up. For the last few weeks, Emerson has used his morning broadcasts to spew homophobic and racist hate. Arguing that HIV is transmitted casually, through coughing, Emerson called for the forced imprisonment of people with AIDS. He labeled gay men "sick butt humpers" and described Japanese Americans as "rotten and filthy." And he called just about everyone who wasn't white, male or Republican a "butt head." As for those who dared to disagree with his views, Emerson advocated -- on air, and with all seriousness -- that they be shot rather than lynched. Rope, he explained, is actually more expensive than bullets. Hate speech, like all public communication, has its consequences. However, Emerson and his hate radio cohorts never want to talk about consequences. They want to shout about their rights, while ignoring their responsibilities. When San Francisco's first openly-gay supervisor -- Harvey Milk -- was shot and killed in 1978, various theories were brought forth in an attempt to answer the Big Question -- "Why?" Of course, Milk's murderer -- Dan White -- made his now infamous "Twinke Defense." White wanted us to believe that, because he ate too much junk food, he became depressed and killed Harvey Milk. In fact, White was a homophobic bigot and Milk's murder was a hate crime. Not coincidentally, at the same time that Harvey Milk was murdered, Anita Bryant was on her national crusade against gays. The washed-out singer was traveling the country and warning Americans about the "homosexual menace." In response, lesbian performer Robin Tyler made an important observation, connecting Milk's murder and Bryant's campaign. She said: "Dan White may have fired the gun that killed Harvey Milk, but Anita Bryant loaded the bullets." Almost 20 years after Harvey Milk's death, the gunfire can still be heard. Recently, a gay man was shot on the streets of San Francisco . . . simply for holding hands with his lover. Now who loaded the bullets into THAT gun? Media "professionals" like J. Paul Emerson, who use the public airwaves to whip up homophobic hysteria, provide the ammunition. These bigots of broadcasting -- and those who pay their salaries -- must not be allowed to claim any innocence. Their hateful tirades make it unsafe for lesbian and gay people to walk the streets, ride a bus, or simply hold hands. Hate speech is certainly no crime. Unfortunately, its effects often are. KSFO's management has remained silent on the matter of Emerson's firing, though they vocally defended him while he was on staff and on the air. It appears, in fact, that Emerson was fired because he turned his vitriol against his own business, criticizing sister station KGO (owned by ABC/Capital Cities, which also owns KSFO). When Emerson called lesbians and gays "butt heads," that was just fine with KSFO. But, when he called his boss a "butt head," Emerson got the ax. So much for professional ethics in broadcasting. Clearly, KSFO's current format will continue to be a breeding ground for homophobia; the station's corporate culture is a bigots' sand box. Even in the wake of Emerson's departure, it is important that lesbians and gays keep listening and, most importantly, keep talking back to hate talk radio. Send feedback to Mickey Luckoff, General Manager, KGO/KSFO, 900 Front Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, tel. 415-398-5600, fax 415-391-2795; Robert Iger, President and CEO, ABC/Capital Cities, Inc., 77 W. 66th Street, New York, NY 10021, fax 212-456-1419, e-mail MEDIA BRIEFS * HATE SAMPLER . . . . The MTV message board on American Online (AOL) is filled with reminders that homophobia is alive and well. Recent messages, which can be posted by any AOL user, have applauded the death of gay AIDS activist (and MTV "Real World" television star) Pedro Zamora. Among the comments: "Pedro deserved what he got! His lifestyle killed him and nothing else! . . . . Homosexuals brought AIDS to the U.S. in the early 1980's" (from, "I hated that fagboy . . . I think Pedro is where he deserves to be right now, IN HELL" (from, and "He was a fag and all fags should die and I was happy to see him got what he got" (from * Well-Endowed Art . . . . March 14th is arts and culture "Advocacy Day," a chance to lobby Congressional representatives to save the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA); the new Republican Congress has threatened the NEA's funding, which currently costs each U.S. citizen the equivalent of two postage stamps a year. To find out what you can do to promote cultural diversity, contact your "America for the NEA" state coordinator, tel. 800-862-1113. * THE MEDIUM IS THE MODEM . . . . "The Internet for Activists: Practical Tools and Real Life Stories" is the subject of a workshop offered March 5th, 1-5 PM at Climate Theater (252 9th Street in San Francisco). For details, call Internet Literacy Consultants at 415-469-8271, e-mail * News Weak . . . . The Feb. 6th issue of Newsweek magazine contains a report on tattooing ("Turning in the Badges of Rebellion," by Rick Marin) that offers an off-hand comparison of "fringe subculture (gay and S&M) to youth culture (Madonna, NBA bad boy Dennis Rodman). the author suggests that the two cultures are mutually exclusive, which is hardly the case with Madonna! More importantly, queer kids are once again rendered invisible in the notion that gay and youth cultures never overlap. Share your sentiments with the Letters Editor, Newsweek, 444 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022-6999, fax 212-350-4120. * Magazine Mainstream . . . . The Feb. '95 issue of Vanity Fair includes an exceptional 14-page article, "The Killing Trail;" Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist H. G. Bissinger details the horrors of homophobia in Texas (Vanity Fair, Conde Nast Publications, Inc., 350 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017, e-mail The Feb. '95 issue of Good Housekeeping offers up some good advice in a "My Problem" feature; a woman whose son is gay -- and afraid to come out to his father -- is directed to PFLAG (Good Housekeeping, 959 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10019, tel. 212-649-2000). * RECENTLY PUBLISHED . . . . the first issue of CTN, a new magazine for deaf, hard-of-hearing and hearing-signing lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. CTN is published quarterly by an all-volunteer staff. Contact: CTN Magazine, P.O. Box 14431, San Francisco, CA 94114, fax 415-626-9033, e-mail ctn * Reel-Life Lesbians . . . . The L.A.-based producers of "Wanderlust," a documentary film that will explore the world of women truck drivers, seek lesbians to share their experiences of life on the road. Call Jennifer Rothman at 213-656-7042. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # WE MUST CONFRONT THE MEDIA'S HOMOPHOBIA IN ORDER TO CURE IT! TO NOTIFY GLAAD-SFBA OF ANY DEFAMATORY OR AFFIRMATIVE MEDIA COVERAGE, CALL OUR 24-HOUR MEDIA WATCH HOTLINE AT 415-861-4588 OR WRITE TO "MEDIA WATCH," GAY & LESBIAN ALLIANCE AGAINST DEFAMATION-SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, 1360 MISSION STREET, SUITE 200, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103, tel. 415-861-2244, fax 415-861-4893, e-mail GLAAD SFBA@AOL.COM. FOUNDED IN 1988, THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA CHAPTER OF GLAAD IS A MEMBERSHIP-BASED COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION DEDICATED TO CULTURAL ADVOCACY AND MEDIA ACTIVISM. GLAAD-SFBA PROMOTES THE FAIR, ACCURATE AND DIVERSE REPRESENTATION OF LESBIAN, GAY AND BISEXUAL LIVES IN ALL FORMS OF MASS MEDIA. ------------------------------------------------- "MEDIA WATCH" is a weekly report that may be reprinted or posted without prior permission, provided that, whenever appropriate, attribution is made to Al Kielwasser and/or GLAAD-SFBA. We greatly appreciate copies of any publications that use all or part of the "MEDIA WATCH." Thank you for your participation in GLAAD's vital work!