Date: Sun, 11 Sep 1994 05:52:20 -0500 (EST) From: Heather Findlay Subject: Girlfriends, a new lesbian mag To: Multiple recipients of list QSTUDY-L Girlfriends, a new lesbian magazine edited by an old academic (i.e., in no longer university-affiliated), hit the newsstands in July, and we just put out our second issue. We're a glossy, color, 48-page magazine for lesbian women, and we cover lesbian culture, politics and sexuality. Regular columns on youth, sports, parenting, sprirituality and health, life on the fringe. We have fashion photography, featured photographers' portfolios, and a hot centerfold. The issue on the newstands now features an exclusive report on dyke cops. I'm sending out this message to Qstudy because we're gaining a reputation for being "much more intelligent" than Deneuve, our competition, and I think that's because a lot of the good writing in GFs is by present and former academics. I also pick up ideas/potential interviewees/leads from browsing the nets, includig this list. Girlfriends is of definite interest to Qstudy folk, both as potential subscribers and as contributors. I've found that a number of the academics we've worked with have enjoyed the chance to write for a popular journal, and unlike some academic journals, we pay cash! For subscription information or writers'/photographers' guidelines, you can email us at Our snail mail address is Girlfriends Magazine, PO Box 713, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019, and our voice mail is 415-995-2776. -Heather Findlay, editor