From: Date: Fri, 8 Sep 1995 01:41:12 -0400 Subject: special from DIRECT FROM WASHINGTON To: The Internet Network Subject: Report from the CC Road to Victory Conference Date: September 8, 1995 The big news in Washington today is the resignation of Bob Packwood and its political ramifications for Senate leadership. But Washington is bubbling with political energy. The President is back in town, Congress is back in session...and the Christian Coalition is shifting into high gear. Tomorrow marks the first day of the 2-day, fifth annual CC "Road to Victory" conference being held at the Washington Hilton. Delegates and leadership have been busy registering and networking all afternoon and evening. State chairpeople, etc. have been doing their requisite (and probably very closed) pre-meetings. Some members spent the afternoon lobbying their representatives on Capitol Hill. Meanwhile those for and against are jockeying for position. The list of speakers paying homage to Pat Robertson & Co is mind-numbing in length and rank--from Newt Gingrich and Phil Gram to Oliver North and Robert Bork. Bob Dole will hold a special reception for delegates tomorrow evening. Arlen Specter was the only GOP candidate not invited, creating a flurry of public pronouncements. He wanted to know why he was excluded: "You must [he wrote to Pat Robertson and Ralph Reed] be afraid of my ideas--ideas which will prevail in an open political process with lusty debate." Mr. Reed admitted today on CNN's "Inside Politics" that it was because Senator Specter had said a lot of things about the CC membership and leadership that were "unfair." The Senator refused the CC "olive branch" to speak to the state leaders, saying he deserved to speak to the whole group like everyone else; he will hold a press conference at the Jefferson Memorial tomorrow. (Late this afternoon the Simon Weisenthal Center addressed a letter to Ralph Reed saying that it had received numerous complaints from its constituents about the exclusion of Senator Specter. Was it because he is not of the Christian faith?) On Saturday, the Interfaith Alliance and Americans United will hold a press conference at a church across from the hotel to release a report assailing the efforts of the CC to control powerful Republican politicians and the GOP itself. Ralph Reed has promised that the conference will not just be a dog and pony show. Indeed the agenda is jam-packed...including a session on the new, wholly-owned subsidiary of the CC, the Catholic Alliance--a development first reported in the Miami Herald on August 27th. Here we go.... Copyright 1995 Public-Spirited Enterprises ("" is an independent newsletter which monitors the Christian Coalition et al. For more information or to subscribe, call 305/751-5001)