Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 11:27:30 -0500 From: David B. O'Donnell To: Multiple recipients of list GLB-NEWS Subject: (Editorial) "Even Christians Are Accountable!" [ Send all responses to only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. ] >FROM: (keeping an eye on the "Christian Coalition") DATE: March 10, 1995 SUBJECT: Op Ed Submission--"Even Christians Are Accountable!" NOTE: This article may be re-distributed and printed freely, as long as it is reproduced in its entirety. In a year of political obsession, a drama unfolded recently in Virginia Beach that has major political significance. Yet most people haven't heard about it, or if they have, they have seen precious little in-depth reporting on the issues. Mel White, Minister of Justice for the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (which has 300 lesbian and gay congregations in 17 countries) and former Pat Robertson speechwriter, went to the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) on Valentine's Day to seek a meeting with Robertson. He wanted to talk about homophobic rhetoric emanating from the 700 Club, et al, and its relation to growing violence against lesbians and gay men all across America. He wanted to seek Robertson's help in stopping the rhetoric and the violence. He had tried for months to get a meeting and went in person as a last resort. He was turned away. When he returned the next day he was arrested for trespassing. White believes that since his parents, grandmother and many others have contributed to Robertson's projects as a matter of faith, the CBN belongs to God and not to Robertson. He refused to admit guilt by posting a bond or paying a fine, and fasted in jail for 23 days in his commitment to having that meeting and stopping the violence. Every day, a group of local community and religious leaders, "Bearing Witness," visited the CBN to ask for the meeting. On March 8th, Robertson visited White in jail, in a meeting reportedly requested by the Sheriff. Robertson said he would respond "within the next few days" to White's requests about the violence and to hear the stories of P-Flag members (Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gay Men). He then dropped the charges against White. End of Round One! Here's what Pat's People had been saying before the meeting: 1) There would be no meeting, because such a meeting would give credibility to the lesbian and gay rights movement; 2) Robertson has repeatedly condemned violence on the air (although not specifically anti-gay violence); and 3) Mel White was staging a publicity-seeking stunt to promote a book he wrote entitled "Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay & Christian in America." Did he actually have a change of heart? On March 2nd, a piece by Frank Rich in The New York Times mentioned some recently published articles which had discussed various anti-Semitic citations in Pat Robertson's four-year old book, "The New World Order." Rich talked about the extremist views held by Robertson and the efforts to gloss over them with the cunning lobbying of Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition. He called it "Bait and Switch." Rich also took the press to task for not challenging Robertson and Reed enough or looking deeper into all that is the foundation of the Christian Coalition and its powerful political base. Those lingering questions about Robertson's book prompted the Anti-Defamation League to seek immediate clarification. In 24 hours, they had it--a 500-word explanation/apology from Robertson faxed to the Times. The lesbian and gay community has had no such response. Mel White was in jail for three weeks! In Robertson's eyes, offending the Jewish community is a big political problem. Gay men and lesbians not only don't count, but efforts to demonize and disempower them is the staff of religious right life! On page 227 (paperback version) of the "The New World Order" Robertson had this to say: "There will never be world peace until God's house and God's people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world. How can there be peace when drunkards, drug dealers, communists, atheists, New Age worshippers of Satan, secular humanists, oppressive dictators, greedy moneychangers, revolutionary assassins, adulterers, and homosexuals are on top? Under their leadership the world will never, I repeat never, experience lasting peace." Will he explain this in a few days? This insidious and dangerous "homophobia+" has been validated by the scant press coverage of Mel White's mission and related issues. Why? In his statement to the Times Robertson said: "...only someone who is desperately attempting to cause mischief would make the unfounded allegations about me and or my book that have recently appeared in The New York Times." Mischief? Can we really allow Pat Robertson to be a political force in our democracy and also the harbinger of discrimination against those who don't fit into the "Christian Coalition" Master Plan? Is he so powerful that we can just forget or gloss over what took Mel White to Virginia Beach ? Has the press (wittingly or unwittingly?) become part of this clever cover-up? Who will join in the imperative task of holding Pat Robertson's feet to the fire as long as he insists on mixing religion and politics...and building what amounts to an empire? Yes, even Christians are accountable! Paula Xanthopoulou Editor/ NOTE: is an independently published newsletter monitoring the religious right Copyright 1995 Public-Spirited Enterprises 3741 NE 163rd St, Suite 311, Sunny Isles, FL 33160 (Questions, comments or to subscribe call (305)751-5001 or send a fax to (305)759-7193)