From: Date: Sat, 1 Jul 1995 19:17:05 -0400 Subject: Christian Coalition vs. Mothers? From: Paula Xanthopoulou, Editor of "," an independent newsletter which monitors the Christian Coalition and its fellow travelers Subject: OP-ED Submission Date: June 30, 1995 "Whose Mother is He Talking About, Anyway?" His hair was slicked back and he looked more together than usual since unveiling his so-called "Contract with the American Family." And he spun his web seamlessly--"seamless web" being one of his favorite expressions--as usual. And as usual the reporter's questions were deferential to the point of major disappointment. But does Christian Coalition (CC) Executive Director Ralph Reed think that the American public is that dumb? On last Sunday's "Meet the Press" broadcast, Bob Schieffer asked Mr. Reed if the defeat of the Dr. Henry Foster nomination was a big victory for the CC? "Not really," he said. It was "unfortunate" and "regrettable" he added, and "We would have liked never to have been involved in this." Furthermore, the CC had forwarded it's agenda to Congress with the "Contract" and "did not make this nomination the top legislative priority." Who is he kidding? Not Senator Patty Murray (D-WA). Maybe she saw the faxes that the CC sent from its fax broadcast headquarters to its members, screaming "VOTE TODAY AND TOMORROW ON HENRY FOSTER" (6/21#1) and HUGE VICTORY IN FIRST CLOTURE VOTE/TO THE SENATORS WHO VOTED FOR CLOTURE, EXPRESS YOUR DISPLEASURE (6/21 #2). The Christian Coalition was hardly low-key about the Foster nomination. In any case, Senator Murray responded to Reed's performance by telling Schieffer that the CC's Congressional maneuverings, especially as regard abortion, are "really a stealth contract." She told it like it is. Most people are focused on the grandly-marketed, user-friendly "Contract with the American People" while Reed and his not so slick fellow travelers focus on their real priorities--attacking abortion, for example, on every possible front. Attack! Attack! Attack! They won't stop attacking until there is no abortion...or until they are stopped. Ralph Reed may talk about how "mainstream" his agenda is, but you can bet that he still counts body bags before he goes to sleep. The "religious right" and its beholdin' Congressional allies are trying to pass any kind of possible legislation that makes any aspect of abortion illegal. In fact, the pro-life forces "began to hold regular strategy sessions" months ago, and have "drafted much of the legislation and strategy for passing it." (NY Times, 6/19). They are working on a number of possibilities including stopping abortions at overseas military hospitals, repealing Title X, impacting medical training, defunding the UN Fund for Population Activity, limiting Medicaid benefits, stopping fetal tissue research and testing of RU-486, cutting abortion relief for federal employees, and banning/criminalizing rare and specialized late term abortions--all of which deprive women of fundamental rights. As the self-righteous Reed tells it, the CC position on abortion has been "clear, consistent and unequivocal" as regards "the sanctity of innocent human life." And he lines up with Mother Theresa on this issue, just to be on the safe side. The defeat of the Foster nomination was painful for every socially-conscious American, but just minutes after the smoke had cleared there was light at the end of the tunnel. Since Ralph Reed demanded last March that Bill Clinton withdraw the Foster nomination or face "the mother of all confirmation battles," there have been signs that the CC has pushed too much too soon. Now Commander Reed promises "the mother of all wake-up calls" if Bill Clinton makes abortion THE issue in the '96 election campaign." Yes, the conservative majority is currently rolling along at a frightening pace, especially in the House. But Senator Murray, and her female Senatorial colleagues are not going to roll over and play dead for any exclusive interest group, so-called "Christian" or otherwise...or play the "old boy" game just like their colleagues. They are going to continue to tell it like it is, putting the issues on the table with a voice that is not "business as usual." They are not part of any majority in Congress; but they are part of a greater majority. It's mind-boggling to imagine what might happen if women play a major political role in the coming fifteen months. Women who believe in an inclusive, socially-conscious America and are fired up could be the key to stopping the Christian Coalition. Yes, they could. And that includes Mothers! The mother of all wake-up calls? Mr. Reed should have left Mother out of this. Copyright 1995 Public-Spirited Enterprises (This article may be reproduced, but only in its entirety. For more information or to subscribe to "," call 305/751-5001. You won't want to miss the July-August issue!)