Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 09:13:28 -0400 From: Jay Prosser <> Subject: Please post: The Well of Loneliness: Call for Papers RE: Call for Papers: New Book on The Well of Loneliness PALATABLE POISON: CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE WELL OF LONELINESS PAST AND PRESENT Editors: Laura Doan and Jay Prosser Radclyffe Hall's THE WELL OF LONELINESS was banned exactly seventy years ago. The irony of this censorship is that the novel has given rise to a wealth of critical commentary, has proven one of the literary works most inspiring of new approaches and new methodologies (lesbian feminist criticism, queer criticism, reading through sexology, for instance). If THE WELL OF LONELINESS was too noxious to be legal in 1928 (in the infamous comparison that began the censorship campaign, worse than "a phial of prussic acid "), in 1998 we can say that Hall's novel has turned out to be, in the wonderfully apt oxymoron of Sir Chartres Biron, a palatable poison. PALTABLE POISON: CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE WELL OF LONELINESS PAST AND PRESENT will bring some of the best of previously published work together with new critical essays on THE WELL. We are seeking submissions of readings of THE WELL, and are especially interested in those that offer new critical directions on Hall's novel, that work through new methodologies or that contain new research. Possible topics include though are not limited to: male homosexuality; class; Englishness, race, and nation; The Well of Loneliness and other novels; The Well in Hall's oeuvre; Mary's story; The Well and queer theory. Abstracts of 300-500 words plus a 50-word bio. should be sent by AUGUST 15 1998 to: Jay Prosser, Department of English, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, England. FAX: 44 116 252 2065. EMAIL: Laura Doan is Professor of English SUC Geneseo and author of FASHIONING SAPPHISM: THE ORIGINS OF A MODERN ENGLISH LESBIAN CULTURE (Columbia University Press, forthcoming). She is also editor of THE LESBIAN POSTMODERN (Columbia University Press, 1994) and, with Lucy Bland, of SEXOLOGY UNCENSORED: THE DOCUMENTS OF SEXUAL SCIENCE and SEXOLOGY IN CULTURE: LABELLING BODIES AND DESIRES (University of Chicago Press and Polity Press, 1998). Jay Prosser is Lecturer in English and American Studies at Leicester University. He is author of SECOND SKINS: THE BODY NARRATIVES OF TRANSSEXUALITY (Columbia University Press, 1998).