Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 16:48:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Anna Livia Julian Brawn NEWS RELEASE Contact: Loralee MacPike, tel 818 398 4200 The Lesbian Review of Books A new international quarterly, The Lesbian Review of Books, will begin publication in August 1994. The Review will feature books by, about and for lesbians. It will offer essays on authors, genres, topics and contemporary issues, as well as reviews of individual books in the areas of history, literature, poetry, drama, film, psychology, erotica, spirituality, science-fiction, biography, sociology family relations, and ethics. Early issues will contain review essays on contemporary lesbian poetry, Latina lesbian writing, the lesbian mystery, lesbian childrenUs literature, and lesbian reviewing. Subscriptions are $10/year or $18/two years. The Review will be published in August, November, February, and May. For a sample issue of the August issue, send $2.50 to Subscriptions, The Lesbian Review of Books, PO Box 6369, Altadena. CA 91003.