Date: Wed, 22 Dec 93 10:14:42 EST From: Bob Cookingham It is official - and in the New York Times: "Gay Couples Ruled To Be `Family Members'" Albany, Dec 21 (AP) - New York State's highest court today upheld a state housing agency's authority to extend the definition of "family members" to include gay couples in matters concerning rent-regulated apartments. The Court of Appeals, in a 6-to-0 ruling, said the Division of Housing and Community Renewal acted within its authority when it ammended rent stabilization regulations to protect the rights of the surviving "life partner" of a deceased tenent. In 1989 the Court of Appeals determined that "family member," when used in rent-control issues, included the roommate of a deceased tenent, provided there existed a long-term emotional and financial commitment, regardless of the sexes of those involved. That ruling was hailed as a victory for the New York City's gay community, which has been devasted by the AIDS epidemic. Many homosexuals whose partners had died of the disease were being evicted from rent- controlled apartments because existing laws didn't allow for them to inherit the property. -30-