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bylaws25: (4.5K, 8/3/1993)
committee structure: (7.5K, 6/13/1994)
contact sheet, 6/14/93: (6.5K)
early press release: (4.4K, 6/13/1994)
early press release 1992: (2.8K, 6/13/1994)
early press release2: (2.9K, 6/13/1994)
early who what why when: (3.8K, 6/13/1994)
ilga conf sets name and demands, 8/15/92: (5.6K)
limoncelli report on steering cmte meeting: (14K, 6/11/1994)
major firms are approached to sponsor: (5.8K, 6/11/1994)
sample brochure from georga: (8.2K, 6/11/1994)
sw25 misinformation at ngltf creating change: (5.4K, 6/11/1994)

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