To: Subject: Inclusion Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 21:37:47 -0700 STONEWALL 25 IS ABOUT INCLUSION There are many rumors circulating, primarily in Metro NY, that Stonewall 25 organizers are seeking to "sanitize" the March on the U.N. on June 26. There is considerable apprehension about the annual Pride Parade being modified this year to become an international protest march designed to begin uniting our communities globally. Queers from more than 70 countries are coming to NY in June to participate in Stonewall 25. There are many places around the world, from Eastern Europe to Africa, from the Middle East and Asia to South and Central America, where people are regularly hunted, jailed and even killed because of their sexual and/or gender orientations. The radical right is already united world-wide. At last year's Johannesburg's Pride March, right wing protesters were directly funded and organized by Chrisian Coalition members from California. Stonewall 25 is about starting to catch-up with the Right. It is about forcing the international community to address the human rights abuses suffered by transgender, drag, bisexual, lesbian and gay people. It is an important start of a next step in our movement. Stonewall 25 is also a celebration of an uprising carried out by drag kings and queens, many of whom were African American and Latina/o. In 1969 queers in Greenwich Village - lesbians, bi's, gays, people of all colors, hustlers - they all united to provide fuel to a fire which had been just a flicker. The March and Rally on June 26, 1994 are a celebration of their courage and of our rich diversity today. The Stonewall organization includes people from a wide swath of our communities. People from leather, drag, religious, AIDS/HIV, youth, elder, disabled, political, bisexual, veteran, pacifist and labor organizations are all involved. Asian, African American, Native American, Pacific Islander and international representitives are all participatng. Stonewall 25 is not only welcoming but encouraging all of our communities to come out in full force. Shirtless dykes on bikes, leather people celebrating their culture, drag queens, mainstream folks - everyone - will march proudly, together. Please spread the word.