PRESS RELEASE National Office: 1012 14th St NW, Suite 705, Washington DC 20005 Phone: Voice: (202)628-0493 TDD: (202)628-0471 FAX: (202)628-0472 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nadine Smith (202) 597-4288 Pre-Stonewall Generation to Lead Off March March Endorses Colorado Boycott Washington, DC. Community elders will lead almost 100 contingents participating in the April 25 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. Holocaust survivors and older people living with AIDS are expected to head that contingent. The decision on who should fill the first slot behind the banner was approved during a national organizing meeting held in Washington, DC, February 6-7. The group also voted to endorse the Colorado boycott and allow that state and Oregon to march first among the state contingents. Seniors will be --preceded only by vehicles and the banner contingent which will be made up of a cross-section of the lesbian, gay and bisexual community. "We wanted to honor and recognize those who have waited the longest for our community to be treated as equal citizen's," said Derek Livingston, a national co-chair. "Also, with more than a dozen anti-gay statewide initiatives on the horizon, we felt it was important to focus on the two states that have become nationwide symbols of that battle." People with AIDS/HIV, parents and children, veterans and current military, youth, and lesbian and gay bands are among the first dozen contingents to march. A lottery drawing held during the meeting determined the marching order of the remaining groups. Please cross post Yours Truly,