Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 09:05:33 -0400 From: David B. O'Donnell Subject: Conference Announcement - Employee Groups [ Send all responses to jjy@XNET.COM only. Any responses to the list or list-owners will be returned to you. ] OUT AT WORK (OR NOT) Out at Work (Or Not) to Host Leadership '95 Conference: New Tools and New Energy for Lesbigay Workplace Organizers Out at Work (Or Not), the umbrella organization for Chicago area lesbigay employee groups, will host a half-day leadership conference Saturday morning, April 22. The conference, Leadership '95: New Tools and New Energy for Lesbigay Workplace Organizers, will be held at the downtown offices of Arthur Andersen LLP and Andersen Consulting LLP, 33 W Monroe Street, Chicago from 8:30 am-1 pm. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Keynote speaker will be Mark Kaplan, partner in Kaplan, Lucas and Associates, a diversity management company which specializes in lesbigay workplace issues. Mr. Kaplan is an organizational development consultant whose clients include AT&T, Baxter, Colgate-Palmolive and others. He has been widely quoted on diversity issues in publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Time Magazine. TWO TRACKS Two workshop tracks will be offered during the day, although registrants will be able to attend workshops from either track. Track I, Emerging Groups, will include three workshops, Organizing Your Employee Group 101, Dealing with Management and Human Resources: Being a Visible Leader, and Coming Out at Work: Risks and Benefits. Track II, Maturing Groups, will include Domestic Partnership Benefits: Negotiation for Results, Diversity Council Participation: Working with Other Groups, and Overcoming Barriers, Building on Successes, and Creating Opportunity Networks. Throughout the morning the workshop The Information Highway and You will be presented. All attendees will receive a conference book containing handouts from all workshops. Registration, including continental breakfast, is $25 per person, or $20 per person if five or more registrations are received together. Pre-registration by is strongly recommended, but walk-ins will be accepted if space permits. To register, or to receive a conference brochure, please call 312-794-5218.