Date: Thu, 21 Jul 94 10:09:38 EDT From: "Erik G. Paul" Back by popular demand -- a two-day conference on LAVENDER LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS Date: Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18, 1994 Place: Davenport Lounge, SIS Building, American University, Washington DC Keynote speakers include: Birch Moonwoman and Arnold Zwicky Topics of scheduled presentations include: o referencing the lesbian body o conversation styles of gay and heterosexual couples o gay English and performativity o lesbian/gay life story narratives o deaf lesbian "in-group" signs and signing as well as a Sunday afternoon workshop on the analysis of coming out stories. (Participants are encouraged to bring one or more coming out texts to use as a data base during that workshop.) Registration: - Registration at the door on Saturday morning begins at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. - It will be helpful to be able to estimate attendance in advance. Pre-registration is welcomed! - A $5 fee, payable in advance or at the door, covers costs of xeroxing, mailings and refreshments. NOTE::The $5 fee is waived, if you bring a lesbian/ gay/queer-oriented book or other reference material(s) to donate to the library of the newly opened American University Lesbian/Gay Resource Center. Please bring donations to the conference registration table. For more information, please contact the conference organizers-- Ruth Morgan or William Leap: s-mail: Department of Anthropology, The American University, Washington DC 20016 e-mail: RZMorgan@gallau.bitnet v-mail: 202-885-1831 fax: 202-885-1837 Please pass this announcement to a friend.