Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 22:38:12 -0600 From: ACTION ALERT Moderator Subject: ACTION ALERT: Reggie White's Speech [ submitted by GLAAD ] ** SUMMARY ** During a shocking March 25 speech to the Wisconsin Legislature, Green Bay Packers player Reggie White accused the U.S. of going away from God by allowing homosexuality to "run rampant." White said, "homosexuality is a decision, it's not a race. People from all different ethnic backgrounds live in this lifestyle. But people from all different ethnic backgrounds also are liars and cheaters and malicious and back-stabbing." He then said, "I've often had people ask me, 'Would you allow a homosexual to be your friend?' Yes I will. And the reason is because I know that that person has problems. If I can minister to those problems, I will. But the Bible strictly speaks against it." He then explained that God had created different races for different reasons. Blacks, he said, are gifted at worship and celebration, while whites are good at organization. "Hispanics were gifted in family structure, and you can see a Hispanic person, and they can put 20, 30 people in one home," he said, adding that the Japanese and other Asians are inventive and "can turn a television into a watch." Assembly Speaker Scott Jenson had invited White, who is also an ordained minister, to speak about his community work. Jenson said that sexual orientation is biologically based, and not a decision. Ironically, White has received the prestigious Tolerance Award of the Simon Wisenthal Center "for his commitment to fostering tolerance and pursuing his vision for a better America." While he later claimed his comments were about "coming together as a society" and not meant to stereotype the races, he explicitly stereotyped races and equated being gay with lying, cheating, and malicious and back-stabbing behavior. "I'm absolutely appalled that someone of White's stature would be so insensitive to a group that has faced so much discrimination and bigotry," said openly gay ex-Green Bay Packer Dave Kopay. GLAAD Executive Director Joan M. Garry said, "White's stardom gives him influence over millions of youth and adult fans. I am shocked that he would irresponsibly use his voice in such a damaging manner. White's assertion that being lesbian or gay is a malicious 'lifestyle' akin to dishonesty and cruelty is bizarre, wrong-headed and factually inaccurate. GLAAD calls upon him to apologize for his divisive and hurtful comments and asks the National Football League (NFL) and the Green Bay Packers to separate themselves from White's prejudicial views." ** ACTION ** Insist that the Green Bay Packers and the NFL take a stand for inclusion, understanding and true diversity by denouncing White's divisive and ignorant comments. In addition, ask Campbell's Soup, for whom White is a spokesperson, if this is the kind of message they want to endorse. Also, encourage CBS Sports, who is currently considering hiring White as a sports commentator, to seriously reconsider in light of these disturbing comments. Contact: … Ron Wolf, General Manager, Green Bay Packers, 1265 Lombardi Ave., Green Bay, WI, 54304, e-mail via WWW: … Bob Hartlan, Owner, Green Bay Packers, P.O. Box 10628, Green Bay, WI 54307, phone: 920.496.5700 … Gene Upshaw, President, NFL Players Association, 2021 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, phone: 202.463.2200 … National Football League (NFL), e-mail: … Consumer Relations, Campbell's Soup Corporation, Campbell's Place, Box 26B, Camden, NJ 08103, phone: 800.257.8443, e-mail via WWW: … Sean McManus, Sports President, CBS Sports, 524 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019-2902, fax: 212.975.4063, e-mail via WWW: -- _____________________________________________________________________________ * ACTION-ALERT is a moderated mailing list. * * To subscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: subscribe action-alert * * To unsubscribe to ACTION-ALERT, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe action-alert * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * * List Information: * _____________________________________________________________________________